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I ought to be applying for a job, but something else has cropped up.

It is now of the utmost importance that i search for photos of the SS Donau. A transport ship in the German marine that was sunk (or, perhaps, made run aground) by norwegian saboteurs in 1945. Fascinating. I'd followed a train of thought after someone i was speaking to about a reference mentioned he would be cruising on the Danube next week.

What are you doing right now, when you really ought to be doing something else?


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Playing the drums and posting on Cycle Chat when I should be uploading products to the database.


Legendary Member
I'm going to procrastinate tomorrow

(that would be again)
In a related vein...

I once read of an American film director who got talking to a local in a pub while filming in Ireland. "I've just come from making a movie in Spain," he said, "and even after just a couple of weeks here, it seems to me that you have a similar sort of mindset to the Spanish. Tell me, do you have any expression like their 'Manana'?" "Well," said his companion, "we have a number of similar expressions...but none with quite the same sense of urgency."

Deleted member 35268

I'm reading your post instead of securing a big project. oops


Legendary Member
Like the Irish guy who heard that the streets of Liverpool were paved with gold so he packed up and got on the next boat.
He got off the boat and there, at his feet, was a £5 pound note.
He picked it up, thought about it, then threw it back.
"Begorra" he said.............I'll start tomorrow.

Deleted member 1258

I'm having a :cuppa: and reading cycle chat when I should be bike fettling.
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