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Secret Lemonade Drinker
rich p said:
It's a bit trite to try and box people into 2 categories.

I was wrong. You're right.

There's all the boxes other people are in, then there's MY BOX. :ohmy::biggrin:


Legendary Member
Genuine people are just that, I tend to take people on face value which can be a mistake sometimes. But I would go for two too.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Moose said:

aaaahhhh one of my all time favourite songs (have it on vinyl with the newspaper cover! so shallow) great lyrics relating to this thread& the death of punk?

I live in a street of mainly 4 bed detached, a few bm's etc, I know most of my neighbours one has a bmw, top bloke, worked his ***** off to get there, you should judge the books by the words not their covers (personally I don't like to talk about all my charity work:laugh:)

great song though!


Cycling in the sun
I think people who live for money, house etc tend to be boring shallow people, those who may have those things but that isn't their goal can be more interesting. Those who aren't driven by money tend to have lived more - how cares how much money you have if the only topics you can talk about revolve around money.


New Member
West Oxon
I'm not at all impressed by the apparent material possessions of others, most of which are usually the result of incurring debt anyway.
Uncle Mort said:
Kovu, I used to think like that. But after a few years, you realise that in fact many of the people with the nice BMWs or Audis are really nice people, and many people who have nothing and live in a council flat are total sociopaths. And vice versa.

True. I judge people by who they are and how they behave. I've met some proper peanuts with very few posessions and a "correct" lifestyle, and some excellent folk with big cars and houses and plenty of money. No matter how you try and cram them in, people just won't go into neatly labelled boxes for your convenience.:sad:


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
I used to think all those things were important. I dont anymore. I dont judge people the same way I used to. There are some very hard working decent honest peeps out there living in nic ehouses with fast cars etc. There are also a lot of asswipes who look down their noses on those who have less. I cannot stand people who feel superior to others just because they have more material wealth than them. However it's also far to say that there is a lot of malicious jealousy out there towards honest wealthy peeps and that isnt right either.Live and let live people.


I judge people as I find them.

If you're rich worked your way up and are a decent person then so be it.
If you're skint, have travelled and are a good person then so be it.

I'm friends with loads of different types of people.

Am I impressed by someone with a 4 bed new build, big cars. NO!
Am I impressed that someone has worked their arse of in the corporate world or built their own business then yes I am. Not impressed by their car or house.

Some of the most interesting and decent people I have ever met have been so rich it's unreal or had nothing much.

It's the arses in the middle who want to tell you how much they've got that get told very swiftly by me to bolt. No time for them at all.


Smutmaster General
I thought this was going to be a thread about the group formed by former sex pistol John Lydon. Apart from butter ads and celeb-jungle shows, he's a bit of a property chap these days... but I'm not impressed. xx(

Mr Pig

New Member
I do jump to conclusions about people, I think we all do, but once I know them I'm not bothered either way. We've got good friends who are what some would call middle class and another who runs an animal sanctuary and dresses like a bag lady! My next door neighbour is a builder and is very well off but one of the kindest, most down to earth guys you could ever meet, I love him to bits. I know people who are poor who are lovely, and I know some who are tossers!

Money has nothing to do with it and you find tossers and nice people at every part of the financial spectrum. You even find nice people driving BMW cars. Occasionally ;0)
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