Rear mech for 9 speed 44/32/22 - 12-36?

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Well-Known Member
Maybe people were better clued up in the days of your old-school mech, but these days I rather doubt most riders know the capacity or max sprocket of their rear derailleurs. It's something you only bother digging out if/when you're doing a build. And then you forget it.
"Old school"!? XT only went ten speed in 2010.

I'm a bit unusual, it seems, in wanting to understand how things work. I know, really weird, isn't it? Ah, how I loved those long nights studying the Shimano Compatability Charts by candlelight.
Blue Hills
If you want to build up spares, new M592 and M591 (the non shadow version) are still available. I've got two on their way to me right now! You won't find new XT 9-speed anywhere I don't think.

Am on a pause on buying bits (i have a fair old lot) and also assumed that it its a bad time to buy - can I ask how much you paid for your new 592 and 591? Didn't know they were still available new from normal stock to be honest.

on your XT comments, yes a lot of that old XT stuff is very good - I have a few spare XT front mechs - many second hand but in great nick - probably enough to see me out. They can also be used outside nominal spec.
Blue Hills
I'd be very surprised if anyone even notices, let alone cares.
well I didn't mean quite literally that folk peer at my spinning sprockets in the streets - but tis true I think that 9 speed is considered primeval by many. Ditto triples. As I ride on on all my nine speeds, will become increasingly so.


Kilometre nibbler
well I didn't mean quite literally that folk peer at my spinning sprockets in the streets - but tis true I think that 9 speed is considered primeval by many. Ditto triples. As I ride on on all my nine speeds, will become increasingly so.
Actually, having typed that I did realise that I could be way out, maybe judging others by my standards.

While I don't really notice much, there are plenty of judgmental busybodies on CC who like to report that they saw someone cross chaining/ with their saddle too low / comitting some other crime and generally Doing It All Wrong.


Kilometre nibbler
Almost every mountain stage in a Grand Tour, I see a pro riding in big-big.
What a bunch of noobs. And they generally look like they've bought the wrong size frame.

(Tuts and rolls eyes.)

Do they think they are in the Tour de France or something?


Well-Known Member
Am on a pause on buying bits (i have a fair old lot) and also assumed that it its a bad time to buy - can I ask how much you paid for your new 592 and 591? Didn't know they were still available new from normal stock to be honest.

on your XT comments, yes a lot of that old XT stuff is very good - I have a few spare XT front mechs - many second hand but in great nick - probably enough to see me out. They can also be used outside nominal spec.
I paid £84, delivered, for two M592s.


Well-Known Member
Am on a pause on buying bits (i have a fair old lot) and also assumed that it its a bad time to buy....
Well, if it's nine speed you're talking about, I wouldn't pause too long. I've been busy squirrelling 9 speed Shimano road parts away, and over the last year or so have seen a lot of it get rarer, then disappear.
Blue Hills
Well, if it's nine speed you're talking about, I wouldn't pause too long. I've been busy squirrelling 9 speed Shimano road parts away, and over the last year or so have seen a lot of it get rarer, then disappear.
will be around for a fair old while on ebay though?

The sweet spot was to catch chain reaction etc flogging the stuff off cheap, but no more. Not for a long time. Part of the reason I don't bother with them much anymore. Rose of germany was a good source until the unmentionable.
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