Removing axle on late 1940's early 1950's Phillips child's trike

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Well-Known Member
Lots of sentimental value - goes back through three, potentially four generations. Seemed a good idea to really renovate it when retrieved from the barn, but having second thoughts now, perhaps enough to get it back to working order? Anyway, if I was to proceed to renovation I would have to remove the axle completely but that is easier said than done. The end with the bolt is the driving side but I can't see any way to remove the freewheel and the axle itself seems firmly fixed between the two bearings. Is there some sort of trick to this?!


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Leg End Member
Is the length of the axle on the outside of the bearing shorter or longer than the space between the freewheel and inside the bearing?

Remove the remaining wheel.
Slide the axle through. Left to right as viewed in the picture.
Slide the other end out, going back on yourself, whilst keeping the axle clear.

What are the two bolts, visible on the right, holding in place. And is there similar on the other end?


Well-Known Member
Thanks - I will give it another go. Actually, removing the other wheel is problematical - there is some sort of cap on the end of the axle that is not intuitively easy to remove. That wheel just rotates on the axle. The bolt on the other end of the axle clamps the (now removed) wheel to the axle to be the driver. Odd, but no doubt normal in those days.


Well-Known Member
Jim N -

Can you post a close-up photo of the cap and the OTHER end of the axle? Is the exterior of the cap smooth (probably indicating a press-fit), hexagonal (indicating the possibility of threads underneath), or some other shape?

Not having seen it, I would *guess* that it is either threaded or, perhaps, a press-fit end cap... (I suppose it could also be a "bayonet" fitting but that seems less likely to me.)

AFTER the application of a rust-dissolving or thread-unlocking penetrant stronger than WD-40, try some gentle prying with a screwdriver -- or try unscrewing it gently by hand -- remembering that it may be a left-handed thread...

IMHO, such treasures ARE worth restoring. I think you will enjoy the fruits of your labors -- eventually. And you will have learned some new skills, too!

BTW, do you have any old-time bike shops nearby that might have sold this tricycle originally? They may have some expertise to share with you...

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