Road ragers should wear helmets

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In between here and there
A horrible and frightening experience no doubt, but there are many situations where you could say with confidence that not keeping your trap shut could result in you getting a good hiding, the vast majority don't involve cycling. That doesn't mean that you should never call somebody out on their bullying or agressive behaviour though.
As for this video, I would be very surprised if the motorist involved was not feeling extraordinarily ashamed and embarrassed by his behaviour and the fact that he is now an internet star, I suspect he may well be very careful around cyclists now, although I could be wrong.
I am more concerned that a lot posts on this thread are actively encouraging it, in fact indirectly accusing people who suggest it is unwise as wimps and bully fodder. My advice if you are not prepared for the worst case sceniaro and are not able to defend yourself then don't do it. Even in this video the cyclist effectively runs away, it ended ok this time but could have escalated beyond the funny.

Dan B

Disengaged member
I rode to work last week. It ended OK but could have escalated.

Seriously, everyone has different risk appetites. Nothing wrong with backing off if that's how you'd rather play it , but it doesn't follow that everyone else has to do it the same way, nor that they'll welcome your "advice" that they should have done.
It would be interesting how many of those who confronted a driver believe it turned out to be a positive experience for all involved? How many of you think the driver will change their action in future? Or how many now have an even worse view on cyclists. How many has it got to physical aggression

Unfortunately I had no microphone at the time this was recorded but the driver was contrite and apologised. He can be clearly seen repeating "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.":

Whereas this is how you resolve conflict on the road:
glenn forger

glenn forger

I reckon that because of this footage in the OP an awful lot more drivers now know what the door zone is. Loads don't, it's amazing for a cyclist to realise drivers don't know what it is. In comments beneath this story the support for the rider is massively encouraging. Of course there are trolls and petrol head who search for cycling stories to post road tax guff and stuff about how just the other day their gran was killed twice by a cyclist who had an ISIS flag and no helmet, but broadly the reaction has been brilliant to see.


In between here and there
And there you go again suggesting that it is low risk, and my advice is much more sensible than encouraging people to chase down motorists to educate them because all the "proper" cyclists on a forum told me too.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
I reckon that because of this footage in the OP an awful lot more drivers now know what the door zone is. Loads don't, it's amazing for a cyclist to realise drivers don't know what it is. In comments beneath this story the support for the rider is massively encouraging. Of course there are trolls and petrol head who search for cycling stories to post road tax guff and stuff about how just the other day their gran was killed twice by a cyclist who had an ISIS flag and no helmet, but broadly the reaction has been brilliant to see.

It's crazy, when I can still hear my driving instructor saying to leave a door's width and a little bit when passing parked cars 25 years later. Why some drivers think cyclists should not adopt the same rule is beyond me.
glenn forger

glenn forger

Crowd sourced PIF. It could be a brilliant educator, spell it out, "There's a reason why people on bikes ride this way". To make it realistic make one of the parked cars have stupid pimped blacked-out windows so you can't see shoot beyond that car.

Dan B

Disengaged member
And there you go again suggesting that it is low risk, and my advice is much more sensible than encouraging people to chase down motorists to educate them because all the "proper" cyclists on a forum told me too.
I don't think you're reading what I wrote, but I suppose given that I don't even understand what you wrote I'm in no position to complain. You're saying your advice is sensible or you're saying I'm saying that? And who's telling you to chase down motorists?
glenn forger

glenn forger


The cyclist comes up behind him and says, "too close mate, waaaay too farking close", and Peugeot Dad is already on full beam, bellowing-until-he-spits anger. He went to 100 without even getting near 0. He started at 0 the day he was born, and has been idling at 100 ever since. "OI," he says. "HOW farkING BIG IS THAT BICYCLE?" No back and forth, no "Oh, was I?", just full on radge. I love that. Imagine driving around, constantly, a bubbling pot of fury. In a Peugeot. And notice again that the person in the passenger seat says nothing. They are used to this. This is an ordinary amount of rage for him to have. He is the angriest man alive.


Cracking a solo.
I am more concerned that a lot posts on this thread are actively encouraging it, in fact indirectly accusing people who suggest it is unwise as wimps and bully fodder. My advice if you are not prepared for the worst case sceniaro and are not able to defend yourself then don't do it. Even in this video the cyclist effectively runs away, it ended ok this time but could have escalated beyond the funny.
I'm sorry I don't see this at all. I see some posters suggesting that one should never approach a motorist that has performed what they consider a dangerous manoeuvre in case they get a smack in the chops or worse, some are even suggesting that this should be expected, effectively that it is the norm. Other posters are challenging this. I don't think that anybody has suggested that everybody should do so or that they are a wimp if they don't.

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
I've just deleted what I was going to post - stirring this particular wasp's nest was never going to work, however funny I thought it was.
I'm moving on ...


The driver in the video was not delayed by the cyclist.

Was thinking about this thread as I cycled home, ready with clenched buttocks and angry ranty face paint on, riding down the middle of the A56, so no bleeders could get past me:whistle:

And then I had a thought - the cyclist DID NOT hold up the driver because HE CAUGHT UP with the driver later on. You generally don't make progress in towns in a car any quicker than on a bicycle.

End of this cyclist should get out of the farking way nonsense.
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