Self carpet cleaning.

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Legendary Member
Miss P and her mates have decided three bedroom carpets and the staircase carpet need cleaning in this let.So they have asked us to collect the machine.I am not doing anything,so has anyone done their own carpets,any advice I can pass on would be appreciated,many thanks.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Follow the instructions. We've got a vax carpet washer. Simple really.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
I shouldn’t use anything that uses water, you might end up over saturating the carpet and it may shrink leading to paying for a new carpet. What sort of carpet is it? Plain, patterned, twist, velour, wool or synthetic? Woven or tufted?
If you want to be safe you might try this dry clean method which uses a snow like substance:
Amazon product ASIN B00R53HO2MView:

Its meant to be used with one of their machines but you should be able to get away with working it in with a broom. You then leave it and vacuum. I used to work for the company but on their carpet manufacturing side. I can vouch for its efficiency.
You might find a Vorwerk operative who could undertake the work for you.
Im sure you’ve never heard of the name but they are well known in Germany.
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I have hired rug doctor machines a few times. It is pretty simple to use.
You need a couple if days of warm dry weather with all the windows open.


Velo, boulot, dodo
If the carpets are pretty dirty looking then don't be tempted to go over the carpet more than once with the wet treatment and get it as dry as you can afterwards (go over with the vacuum on a few times and get as much water out as you can). If the carpet is left too wet then dirty crap from deep within the carpet can wick up while it dries and leave it looking much the same as before.

(I shudder when I hear Rug Doctor because once I cycled over to B&Q with the trailer to hire one and forgot my ID, then I went back home to get that, returned, picked up the machine, cycled it home- didn't work- took it back, picked up another- this one worked! used it, took it back- but instead of putting the receipt in my pocket I picked up a legal document that I'd left out to look at so they couldn't book it back in again- was on the verge of going back home to get the receipt when someone at B&Q was able to sort it. Next time I'm getting a local company in to do it, having said that it did do a good job on my rug)
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I'm not sure how easy a Rug Doctor machine would be on stairs. Maybe others have used it thus.
On normal rooms, it's OK but not exceptional. As it's a rented place, make sure it doesn't mullah the carpets as you'd be liable.

Might be worth getting a few quotes from 'proper' professionals...


Legendary Member
Thanks all I have never used anything like this before,and I am not getting involved.But the carpets are vile.So I just have to leave it up to them.I was worried about the wetness and shrinkage,me I would get someone in,less,hassle,and it would be done quicker and better the stuff will be much better.But not going to interfere just offer advice.


Legendary Member
I too am a Vax man. Five years or so, I suppose. I do wonder about it...there's maybe a litre & a half of solution goes into the tank, and the sucked-up 'afters' can't be more than a quarter of that, so I guess the rest ends up in the carpets, but the 'quarter' is always really, really filthy, so that's reassuring. And the carpets certainly do look noticeably cleaner, so you have to call that a result. Put it this way, if it broke down, I'd get another one.


Heavy Metal Fan
I've hired a rug Dr (and used their brand of solution) a few times before. Never had any problems. The stairs attachment is easy to use and recommended. I'm not sure I'd use it on a brand new expensive carpet, but all the ones I've used it on I've never noticed any shrinking issues. Give it a very good vacumm first
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