So am I the only American here?

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I know what you are saying, Somewhere in America. There is often not much territory between the Roadies and the Freds. Pianofortes were the forerunner of pianos, and sound a little tinny compared to a piano
Knew the boot/trunk one.
Don't you spell it sh!te or something?
One thing I've been trying to figure out though.... we call them sweaters you call them jumpers but we refer to jumpers as a sleeveless type of uniform looking dress (usually worn by young girls) so what do you refer to as we know as a jumper?
I have a bit of Welsh in me and I own 2 Border Collies but no sheep (wish I did though).

Pinafore (dress).
And :welcome:
somewhere in america

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
It's been some time since I've read something either about or from the UK. I think the last book I read would have been a historical novel about the War of the Roses since that time period has alwasy interested me and some of the political aspects of the why behind it all. But that had to have been more then a year ago. I've been on a supernatural kick since then, can't seem to get myself out either
Nah, surely it's a tank top?
Tank top is a sleeveless jumper, usually with a V-neck, usually multicoloured and stripy. Usually worn by train-spotters across the world, and nearly always complete with gravy dribbled down the front.
A tank top for you


Rural Quebec
Prepare to be amazed: piano means soft or softly and forte means strong a piano makes a strong sound when the keys are played unless muted by pressing on the pedals.
You should ne'er cast a clout until May is out and the clout you cast is called a woolie.
A bicyclist is a confused cyclist in the UK where the word cyclist covers the whole variety of nobbers who post here, however we will need to work on a new word for a Yank bint such as yourself. :evil::welcome:
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