Square Wheels

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Senior Member
I saw a video a couple of weeks ago about a square-wheeled bike, and was going to post it, here, and through a search I found someone else had posted something about it, but there were no responses. So I came here, again, to see if the video was still here, and if anyone had responded to it, but I can't find it, now. So I'm posting a link to it. It's a novelty, not something that would catch on. You don't get to see it ridden until around the six minute mark. Most of it is the engineering.

Square Wheels


Slippery scientist
I saw that first time round. It’s not really square-wheeled, more of a track-laying bicycle. Interesting project, with no possible application other than “hold my beer…”.


Senior Member
I saw that first time round. It’s not really square-wheeled, more of a track-laying bicycle. Interesting project, with no possible application other than “hold my beer…”.

Some folks have too much time on their hands. They waste time inventing dumb stuff like square wheels, when they could invent a flying bike, propelled by leg power.
I saw a video a couple of weeks ago about a square-wheeled bike, and was going to post it, here, and through a search I found someone else had posted something about it, but there were no responses. So I came here, again, to see if the video was still here, and if anyone had responded to it, but I can't find it, now. So I'm posting a link to it. It's a novelty, not something that would catch on. You don't get to see it ridden until around the six minute mark. Most of it is the engineering.

Square Wheels


View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1646256685172895744


Senior Member
I've clearly been spending too much time watching videos like this. The YouTube algorithm has noticed and suggested this:

View: https://youtu.be/PX3A7GLtFqM

I don't care for the long, engineering part of the video, and that applies to the video I showed, too. I just want to see their invention working.

In this video with the two half wheels, it was the front wheel that got broken, where the whole force of the bike and weight of the rider met with the edge of the concrete kerb stone. (It's as though he deliberately set out to break the wheel. Any rider with any sense would hop the front wheel up onto the sidewalk.) Yet he contrived a solution for the rear wheel that doesn't appear to meet with so much force as the front wheel. Yes, I know it was just another piece of weird engineering, but the fabrication of the invention is so drawn out.
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Kilometre nibbler
I don't care for the long, engineering part of the video, and that applies to the video I showed, too. I just want to see their invention working.

Same here. Some videos have discussion of the engineering problem and how they solved it, different options and so on . Those are interesting. But ones like this that just go"I did this then I did that" are a bit dull. Just cut to the chase.
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