Starting again

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Über Member
Several years ago I began cycling and loved it. I have a Trek Marlin 7 and a Carrera Subway E electric bike.

I'm 54. I've experienced some health problems over the past 3 years and have only been using the e-bike and cycling short distances.

I want to start riding the Trek again and keep the e-bike for utility rides.

I'm struggling a bit with feelings of defeat before I start, so posting her to re-engage with this great community.

I have my first, short, unassisted ride planned for Friday. I know I'll feel good when I've done it.


Über Member
Just take it easy and enjoy it - don't attempt too hilly a route first off


I had a nearly two year lay off,due to prostate problems and a hydrocele,don't look.Getting back was wonderful i just went off to Otley Leeds,just nice and steady,then Ilkley.So slow,it was a wonderful feeling.So just go out and pedal slow and steady.When i get over my problem this time,the ride is going to feel even better.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Hi Daisy, from up in South Glos. Enjoy your ride on the Trek. My son has one and it's a lovely bike. The smile on his face after blasting round Ashton Court is wonderful.


Über Member
I had a nearly two year lay off,due to prostate problems and a hydrocele,don't look.Getting back was wonderful i just went off to Otley Leeds,just nice and steady,then Ilkley.So slow,it was a wonderful feeling.So just go out and pedal slow and steady.When i get over my problem this time,the ride is going to feel even better.

Thanks so much. I'm glad you're enjoying your miles so much, it's inspiring.
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