Sunday mornings when I were a lad

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Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Quaker Oats.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
Fry up on the bbq, a much better start to the day


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
From 12, ride to the newsagents about a mile and a half away away, for a 7am start on a newspaper round. Hated Sunday papers as they were so much thicker, making it a two bag round. Head home a couple of hours or so later for some breakfast.
If I was unlucky I'd need to be at church a couple of miles away, for 10 o'clock mass as an altar boy. If I was very unlucky, I copped for high mass at 11.


followed by


Defy anyone to post a better start to the day

And sometimes before or after they showed Aussie Rules Football and Kabadi. 🙂
Same here, and then along came the supplements and magazines as well.

Mine was a nightmare with both of these and extra houses which wanted a Sunday paper. I had to bring it home in a granny pull along trolley and then split it in the house before taking out in the bag.

The weekday round one was brilliant as I could whizz round on the bike in about 45mins, got loads of Christmas tips despite the occasional crash into a door when riding on ice.

I also did the local herald & post which was a weekly paper with supplements but you had to pack up the supplements into each paper. It took forever and was a family effort for pocket money.
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