Tea? (Part 1)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
HelenD123 said:
I had to cycle home on Sunday so Spandex rode with me as far as Pock and we had some lunch. That new route of yours seemed much shorter than looping up through Stamford Bridge, and probably even quicker as it cuts out the section across the fields. It was only a few miles more than going down the A1079. Of course route 66 passes the Balloon Tree though;):evil:.

Yeah, the Elvington road is shorter, 14 miles as opposed to 20 - the only trouble is it's busier, esp during the week when there are a fair few lorries using it because of the industrial park at the airfield.

The best thing, in the days when they still had the airshow, was riding out, bypassing the huge queues of traffic, and then bagging a spot on the verge and watching the show for nothing....;)


Fat bloke on a bike
I had to brave the depths of page two to find this thread.

Everybody must be in dire need of Tea?

Hands out tea.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
TheDoctor said:
*accepts with alacritea*

It's a bit unpleasant at work today. There's a plumbing disaster in the loos...

And being rocket scientists, none of you have worked out how to solve it?:smile:

I could do with a cuppa, I've been doing more clearing out today, and I actually have more floor space as a result!
tea here please - no chuck wagon at the stage four tob waddington fell stage and altho i'd taken a flask of coffee it's just not the same. nicholas roach was first over the top


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
Arch said:
And being rocket scientists, none of you have worked out how to solve it?:smile:

There's been some plumbers downstairs all day, but it's all looking a bit '2 girls 1 cup' down there. If you don't understand that, can I advise you don't google it, especially if you're at work or eating, or of a nervous disposition....

Arch]I could do with a cuppa said:
some[/b'] floor space as a result!

Fixed that for you! :biggrin:[/b]


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Mind you, it's not a lot more, not enough to stand the Galaxy in to work on for example.

Now I have one corner left to tackle.

And I'm wondering about investing in a workstand. That's the trouble with potentially having a job soon, I'm thinking of stuff to buy.

<Hands out tea>

Picked up some more eggs at Craft Night last night, and bought bacon yesterday, so it's carbonara tonight, yippee!

Was also introduced, last night, to my colleague's new baby, who I'm pleased to say, isn't nearly as good looking as Oliver. Still, he smiled briefly at his knitted fish.

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
ty arch



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Anyone wnat one of my remaining almond slices? They are on the friable side, due to drying out a bit too much while baking.

Last night I copied down a choc chip and cranberry cookie recipe....:evil:


Legendary Member
Any tea left in that pot? I've spent most of the afternoon in a meeting. It was very productive but has left me feeling rather frazzled.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
HelenD123 said:
Any tea left in that pot? I've spent most of the afternoon in a meeting. It was very productive but has left me feeling rather frazzled.

Is that frazzled as in the bacony puffed maize snack?

<passes tea over>
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