Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Wow..deadsville today:ohmy:

Late out and tbh, I prefer earlier outs..
hillier out today..
a .577Mo:laugh:

oh, and hiya:hello:

Good Evening Bobby :hello:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi Mrs D :hello:
Still suffering with the hay fever?
Unfortunately it seems to get worse in the evening :sad:

Yes. It is getting worse, hope you had a good day Mr TD.


Legendary Member
Stunning evening here..not a breath of wind But im too tired to pop out and enjoy it..

That is a shame, as it has been beautiful here also.
I know how you feel, because sometimes I get back very early afternoon and it's nice, but after getting up at 3 am I am just too tired to go out for a ride. You end up regretting not getting out, but then the body says no.
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