The 2021 Half Century (50km or 50m) a month challenge Chatzone

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Sunny Radcliffe
The sun was shining, the sky was blue but it was blooming chilly this morning. :cold:
Out towards Burnley via Bury and Edenfield, the climb up to Deerplay was a toughie with more traffic than I expected maybe some diversion I don't know about. A delicious lunch of avocado, lettuce and tomato on toasted brown bread washed down with equally good coffee at Anna's in Weir. I recommend this place, my fourth visit and yet to find a fault. :hungry:
Very chilly downhill after lunch, very thankful for both arm and leg warmers. Autumn very much here in Lancashire.


Sunny Radcliffe
Another bright sunny but cold morning. Went north west into a cold wind to Chorley then through Brinscall, Belmont and home via Harwood. Cracking clear blue sky but blooming chilly wind from the north. Autumn bib longs and full gloves. Won't be long before full winter gear inc boots.

Belmont Reservoir


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This month has been a struggle. Not been on the bike for over a month - was a bit unwell earlier in the month, and felt very weak afterwards. And a serious lack of motivation. I'd done a fair bit of fettling to the bike - new tyres, mudguards back on for the winter - but hadn't even taken it on a test run round the block.

Planned to get out for a ride this morning, planned to be out for 8.30. Got the bike out of the garage, checked the tyres. All OK. It's a bit breezy. Thought maybe I should postpone. I couldn't find my water bottle. Another reason to postpone. The gasman is coming to service the boiler in the afternoon. Another reason to.... realised that I was procrastinating. I really just didn't feel like riding, but knew it'd be better when I got out. I'll do a short ride - 8k to the country park, then back.... get me back into the way of it.

10.00 before I got out. Slow start - it really was quite windy, and I turned into the wind when I left the house - makes the return trip easier. Didn't really enjoy the first mile or two, but once off the main road, and onto quieter roads with hedges to give shelter, it was better.

8k, I'm at the gates of the country park, but kept going. Might even have had the glimmer of a smile!

Through Irvine town centre, out the other side, passing an industrial estate, stopped for a quick coffee. Normally I'd save that for the half way mark, and 11k seemed too early.

It's a coffee shop I use regularly - a converted container on an industrial unit. They serve good coffee, cakes, sandwiches, sup, burgers etc. But the Saturday staff maybe didn't have the same experience as the weekday team. "Espresso? Is that just an ordinary coffee with milk?" "No, that's an Americano with milk. Espresso is the small strong one, black". "Ah, the wee toty one". A great west-of-scotland word. After the lesson, the coffee was fine.

Back on the road, passing through an industrial estate, spied a brand new path. Nicely tarmacced and kerbed, no signs. And obviously complete - no sign of any building works. I wonder where that goes? Followed it for maybe 500m, towards the dual carriageway, where it went into a bridge under the road, then ended!
Looks like it'll eventually link up with the new housing on the other side of the dual carriageway, so will be a useful link.


Back to the main road, and eventually I linked up with NCN7. At one time, the national cycle route took a diversion off the main road, through a woodland area and wildlife reserve. A pleasant ride, but not really recommended in bad weather. The main NCN route now stays on the main road, but I decided to take the old route - hadn't been there for ages. Saw plenty of wildlife - some birds of prey, and a squirrel!

On to troon, took the path beside the golf courses, and to Prestwick airport.

I'd heard there was increased traffic at Prestwick recently, and it's going to be busy over the next few weeks during COP26. Two large military planes at the end of the runway - one was Kuwait Air Forces and the other didn't show up on Flighttracker - so must be top secret!

Watched them take off, then turned back for home. Wind behind me now, so a good pace. Along the Troon golf course path, followed the main road to Irvine, Kilwinning and home. Got to the house, looked at Strava, 49.8k on the clock. Couldn't leave it there, so a quick spin "round the block" to round it up.

Despite the reluctant start, a very pleasant morning.
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Legendary Member
Only just got round to adding my ride 2 weeks ago - 82Km Blaby - Wiloughby Waterlys - Gilmorton - South Kilworth - Stanford on Avon - Guilsborough - Nasenby - Sibbertoft - Marston Trussel - Laughton - Mosely - Saddington - Arnesby - Countesthorpe - Blaby - I did get off and walk - a ford on a route back from Marston Trussel to Laughton that I took looked a tad deep so I took the bridge. Was a lovely ride, nice weather too!


Rode the short route of the Tour of Worcester today. The route was 55 miles, and I thought I would get my first metric century by riding to the start instead of taking the car, as the start was only six miles from home.

Three hills on the route, including Ankerdine, which I ended up walking about half, and to top it off I made navigation error which added another 9 miles. The last ten miles were a bit of a struggle with cramping and glucose levels playing up, but managed the route, including detour in four and a half hours. Total distance door to door 74.4 miles, in five hours and sixteen minutes riding time. The weather held, and only started raining as I was closing the garage door.

Big thank you to my friend James, who is a quicker rider than me, but waited patiently as I bimbled up the last few ramps.


Sunny Radcliffe
First ride with The Chorlton Wanderers since lockdown, just five hardy souls braved the strong winds and blustery showers. For me, Chorlton water park is 20 Kms from home via Manchester City centre so any ride they do I need to add 40Kms to. Not much climbing south of Chorlton but todays wind certainly made up for it. As I got near to home I calculated I would finish with about 96 Kms so I girded my loins and added a loop around Bury town centre to end up with 102.8 Kms and 700 metres of upness. :wacko:
13 rider

13 rider

Monthly update time and last weekend reminder
We have 21 riders fully posted up 3 riders with rides done but yet the challenge thread in @tallliman ,@AndreaJ and @footloose crow . Leaving 3 riders on the nudge list ,So a gentle nudge for @slow scot ,@fatjel and @Chap sur le velo . A double nudge for @Nomadski who is yet to post a Sept or Oct ride
Well done everyone two more to go

footloose crow

Über Member
Cornwall. UK
Monthly update time and last weekend reminder
We have 21 riders fully posted up 3 riders with rides done but yet the challenge thread in @tallliman ,@AndreaJ and @footloose crow . Leaving 3 riders on the nudge list ,So a gentle nudge for @slow scot ,@fatjel and @Chap sur le velo . A double nudge for @Nomadski who is yet to post a Sept or Oct ride
Well done everyone two more to go

I posted something on 3 October? Truro - Penzance -Truro 110k. Is that what you meant?
13 rider

13 rider

I posted something on 3 October? Truro - Penzance -Truro 110k. Is that what you meant?
Yes just me being pedantic as you posted it in the chatzone thread ,so I now you've done a ride which is really all that matters ,Just update the challenge when your ready please ,no rush

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Blast - not first to post for November! ^_^
I was planning to do a number of circuits of a route I devised during the first lockdown, but some roadworks put paid to that. So did some other loops I've done in the past and aimed for a time past my usual for this distance as my gauge. A quick check on Google Maps when I got home and found that's another month done without needing to hop on the bike again for an estate circuit to make up the distance.
Must admit, it still gives me an immense sense of chuffness when I complete another one of these. :becool:
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