The Great White Highway !

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So sorry for those who don't get a chance to ride out on the snow. I was never a fan of winter until I got a Fat Bike years ago and winter became so much fun. This winter has been as close to perfect as you can get for this region. Not a lot of snow compared to our normal winters, but just enough and freezing temps to keep it packed just right. On today's ride I ran across a trail that the groomer must have just recently rolled thru, and it was like a white highway. Hard to not wear a smile on days like this.



Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I wish we got winters like that!
Instead we get this for months on end.


Damp, grey, windy. "Dreich" is a fine Scottish word to describe it.
It can last from September to April. Then the rain gets slightly warmer for a few months, giving the midgies a chance to breed and attack in swarms. :ohmy:
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