The Transcontinental Race 2013

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West London
He is now just about a mile behind Mikko on the road and looks likely to overtake him. It should be a boost for them both to see another rider as this is a pretty solitary experience (as long distance riding generally is).

Rimas presumably started later so is ahead of Mikko on their leaderboard.


slower but further
SE London
Rimas presumably started later so is ahead of Mikko on their leaderboard.
Is that not because Rimas has covered more distance? I don't think the Leaderboard can compute on geographical position.


West London
I thought that it factored in start time as well, but maybe not. You are saying Rimas is actually behind Mikko, just has taken a longer route.

Either way, it's getting exciting because Rimas is still gaining on Mikko but Matthew Wilkins, who rides faster than either of them but takes longer breaks, is only about 5kms behind them both. Could be set up nicely for an intermediate sprint at the top of the Stelvio.

Edit - Rimas has now passed Mikko on the road


West London
Actually MM & RG may be riding together atm (if you adjust for the time lag).

Surely not: that's against the rules!

Looks like Matthew is only about 2km behind them both now.

I would rather go up a high mountain in the daytime. It can get very cold, even in summer. And descending a high pass in the dark is not fun. Not sure how far it is to go but I expect they'll all push on to get over it before they run out of daylight.


slower but further
SE London
Surely not: that's against the rules!
I'm sure they must be riding alongside each other discussing the economic climate. Surely 'no drafting, no problem'?
And with Matt coming up fast to check there is no hanky panky ...


Senior member. Oi! Less of the senior please
The world
Yep but it is mighty hot on what looks like a long climb. However, all three should be able to do Stelvio in the cool of the night which might be the best way. Descending before dawn (unlike Kristos) may be a bit scary without losing time.

Descending passes in the dark wont make much difference - even if you do it at 30kph rather than 50 down a biggie you're only talking a 10-20minute difference. But yes, it's scary!


West London
Visibility is one issue with descending a big pass at night but also the cold.
Their hands will be hurting on the brakes with all those bends.
Visibility is one issue with descending a big pass at night but also the cold.
Their hands will be hurting on the brakes with all those bends.

From 'Go Rimas' to 'Gory mess' is but a Koolstop away...
Let's stick with Go Rimas. What's happening, I have been on the road for an hour - been trying to keep an average of 24.5kph. :tongue:

Edit : Rimas is nearly at checkpoint two - estimated that he's going to get there at 01:19 or so...
ergo a nasty cooling drop if he carries on, which I'm sure he will. The daytime temperatures are a big factor too - about 25C+/- but at the top it will definitely be coat on, newspaper up the jumper stuff. Brrrrr! In other news Allegaert is accelerating away at 25.4kph, with an average of 27kph - must be his regular commute! By the way other riders, I'm not forgetting you - you're all terrific - it's just a loyalty thing.
Come on Rimas.
"Morning, Rimas!" Hope you had a good night's sleep, albeit sloping on a hillside. Today you will get a respite from the grind...and any food will taste like ambrosia. Promise. Allegaert meanwhile, has progressed towards a gap between Graz and Zagreb...Budapest bound. He must be getting Hungary by now.
Oh, and he's stopped for another ten minutes since..naughty boy! :rolleyes:

It's at times like this one wishes they could text Rimas any excess energy or something...
Go Rimas!

Edit at 06:41 Edward Pickup is on the recognisable zigzag bits (sorry, Rimas!) of Stelvio...he'll be next to tip over the top...unless Matthew Wilkins beats him to's a race - Arrrrgh!
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