The worst ever stories you've ever heard about your family

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Über Member
I have a family will in which it states that all is left to the two sisters, as the son has already taken his share !


Legendary Member
Now't much, other than my dad was a right 'rascal' but a strict bugger with us two younger two of the four kids. Other than my dispair at my parents and in-laws general views about sexuality - racisms's lapsed, but sexuality. FFS - total dinosaurs. I had a right rant at my bro/sisters about my dad's views on NYE, they were like 'oh he's old' - they are lots younger than me. I've not spoken to him much since then. I work/live in a diverse community. As I'm sure my younger siblings do, but FFS.... really got me cross. what do you do with someone in their late 70's....
Nothing you can do really.
My FIL, 85, a former senior regional trades union officer, Labour member, has been very successful in life but is a raging homophobe, racist and generally has a very poor attitude to people 'not like him'
Other than that, he's a nice chap :laugh:
Its not an age thing (IMHO), in people like him, its born of their peers and those times back then. Many of 'that age' (and some younger) have grown out of it, some never will. I give him an occasional 'FFS Fred, you can't say that' but otherwise, his racism, sexism will pass with him, life moves on.
He's a dinosaur...perhaps in 20 years time, i'll be a dinosaur but for a different , as yet unknown reason.
We're pretty uncontroversial, but my Dad did once Mankad Greg Chappell in the early '70s when the touring Aussies came to the West Country to play exhibtion/warm-up matches for The Ashes. He was their star player and was quite insistent that everyone had come to see him bat! ^_^


Legendary Member
A great grandad on my mother‘s side lost a leg in a threshing machine on a farm. Pretty nasty from the accounts my grand mother told me.
My dad managed to get his boilersuit caught up in a belt driving a threshing machine, lot of bruising and skin loss apparently. He also lost 5 teeth when a donkey pulling a cart was startled and the cart wheel went over his mush. I think he was holding or trying to hold the donkey which is how his face got near the wheel. Dangerous places farms.
We're pretty uncontroversial, but my Dad did once Mankad Greg Chappell in the early '70s when the touring Aussies came to the West Country to play exhibtion/warm-up matches for The Ashes. He was their star player and was quite insistent that everyone had come to see him bat!
Go on your Dad, cheeky Aussie bugger trying to steal a yard against lower league opposition!

I mankad-ed the local primary school headmaster in a evening league game - I left it to the skipper to decide whether we were claiming it or not and he decided yes! Headmaster came out with some words I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted his pupils repeating.
My great-grandad, on my Mum's side, used to make his living hiring himself and his horse out, to pull the canal barges through Birmingham, 1880's through to WWI. He liked a pint (or two) post shift, and was, more than once, put in a cell for the night, three sheets to the wind, whilst his horse was put in the police stables.

His daughter, my Nan, born 1904, was married, had 3 children, and got divorced (most unusual for the 1920/30's). She then had a nervous breakdown, was placed in a Sanatorium, where she gave birth to another daughter, who none of the family knew about, until a 50 year old lady with a posh Hampshire accent knocked on my Nan's house in Birmingham half a century later. My Mum and my Uncle came along during WWII when my Nan met my Grandad (albeit their first child, a baby boy died on her shoulder in the air raid shelter during the Blitz). Quite a character my Nan.
When I started going out with a girlfriend, who is now my wife, her mother tried to dissuade her from going out with me because my family had a reputation for being rough.
Not sure what that was about but do have three cousins in jail or having done time for murder, GBH and theft, and I had an uncle who was a notorious member of Mosley's Blackshirts.

Oh, and a long dead great, great grandfather ran a brothel in Dudley.

I do come from a very large family and luckily most are fine, upstanding citizens like me. :angel:


Legendary Member
i could tell you some stories, but I don't think the statute of limitations has expired yet.
My paternal grandfather went on holiday together with Lenin and his wife Nadhezda just before the outbreak of WW1.

They became friends after ending up in the same Siberian gulag. My grandfather was a student activist in those days, and got into trouble by climbing onto the roof of the town hall, tearing down the Russian flag and replacing it with a Polish one. (This was before Poland regained her independence - prior to that, apart from the Principality of Warsaw, Poland had been carved up by Austria, Russia and Germany.)


a donkey pulling a cart was startled and the cart wheel went over his mush.
One of my father's brothers had a mangled ear where a horse-drawn cart had run over his head. I don't know the circumstances.


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Legendary Member
My never met grandad,my dads dad,was the result of a brother and sister relationship,they enjoyed it so much they had another son together.
My paternal grandfather went on holiday together with Lenin and his wife Nadhezda just before the outbreak of WW1.

They became friends after ending up in the same Siberian gulag. My grandfather was a student activist in those days, and got into trouble by climbing onto the roof of the town hall, tearing down the Russian flag and replacing it with a Polish one. (This was before Poland regained her independence - prior to that, apart from the Principality of Warsaw, Poland had been carved up by Austria, Russia and Germany.)
Impressed - very.
Did you hear any reports about whether Lenin was good holiday company?
Where was the holiday?
Any family pics of Lenin wearing novelty hats/triumphing at bingo/pissed on whatever?
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Impressed - very.
Did you hear any reports about whether Lenin was good holiday company?
Where was the holiday?
Any family pics of Lenin wearing novelty hats/triumphing at bingo/pissed on whatever?

Not much on what he was like as company, I'm afraid. Given that both men ended up in politics at a high level, there must've been some serious common ground between them.

Holiday was in Zakopane in 1913. I do have a photo somewhere.
My lot are fairly tame by comparison

Only unusual thing is that - apparently - my Mum's grandmother was married 7 times
she lived in a small Welsh village
and all the previous 6 husbands died

apparently of natural causes

at the 7th wedding the vicar pulled her to one side and said
"this had better be the last one - people are starting to talk"

I BET they were

must have been one hell of a woman - possibly in many ways!!!!
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