Things to do before I'm 50 (suggestions please)

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Vice Admiral
cheadle hulme said:
Is this some sort of tour or do you have to organise it yourself?

No, just join a Rugby Team. :ohmy:


I might get killed for posting this...but probably not. I hope.

Mrs Noodley is 10 years older than I am. She is stunning. Always has been and continues to is sometimes raised in polite conversation that there is a 10 year age difference and it usually involves people asking me what it's like being married to someone 10 years younger!! :ohmy::ohmy:

....and I'm gorgeous! :biggrin:


Vice Admiral
cheadle hulme said:
Merci madame!

Actually, I once went out with the rugby team at Uni. They had a bin in the middle of the room for being sick into. Relatively civilised when you think about it.

I went out with a Rugby player, and I am sure he was a hooker. :ohmy:

Or are they called flankers now? :biggrin:


Nr Cambridge
Stig-OT-Dump said:
I've got 8 1/2 years to go, so time isn't exactly running out, but if I'm going to get the most out of my 5th decade, it's going to take a bit of planning. So, if anyone has some stonking ideas that could help fill up my list, I'd love to hear them.

Make sure you make it to 49 years .......
gavintc said:
I entered my first 4th Cat race this year. I did not win,. but 57th out of 80 was no disgrace.

Heh, actually had to read that bit twice as a vision of feline domesticus running around a track popped into my head at first.
Its late, I need to go to bed.

As for the OP - Bungie jump, go out for a chinese meal (must be IN China)


Legendary Member
Having a look at all the lists and being 8 years past the sell by date time has run out for me :blush:


Formerly just_fixed
goto indonesia, it's only £500, ride from medan to lake toba. lake toba is the lake in the crater left behind by the largest explosion the earth has ever heard. it's when krakatoa blew. it's beautiful, the foods amazing (take immodium tho), it's incredibly cheap (beer 40 pence a can, a meal £1), the weather is hot hot, the people are friendly.
Well, some food for thought so far. I must admit, I have done a number of the suggestions already - but mainly in my teens and twenties. My 30s were spent getting married and having kids and domestic stuff like that. Now that the kids are getting older and I'm able to involve them more in stuff that I do, I'm keen to get back to making the most of the opportunities that I can get to come my way.

Although I'm not stressing about getting older, my dad and grandad both developed chronic leukaemia in older age and apparently there is a high chance that I'll get it too so I don't want to procrastinate too much.

A triathlon, a "competitive" century ride, the West Highland Way, a run up Ben Nevis and a trip to Cape Wrath are already on the list (and to all those who suggested diving -that's my day job!) - I reckon I should make room for some time trialling and getting to 49 though.

I'd still welcome some more inspiration though.
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