Time Trial PB's

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How far can I go?
27:02, a 31 second PB last night at Castle Combe. I have a few more 10s in the diary for this year. Goal is to try and shave another 30-45 seconds off before winter. As I get more comfortable on the TT bike, it should be doable.
If my Garmin is right it was a 19sec PB on a 10miler for me (it'll probably turn out to be 10s now 😂). Never felt I got to the max and my damaged feet nerves probably cost me 15s at the start but its interesting to compare it to the ride 2weeks before my BC op last year today was 59s faster for 40w less. I am 4kg lighter but the majority of savings is being able to hold a aero position the majority of the ride 👍

My head wasn’t really in my 25mile TT, it was more in wanting to enjoy what could be the last summer day. Which is probably the route of me messing it up.
Taking ages to clip in (nerve damage) I missed the over bridge, took the road just after it as I was supposed to do but it never felt right (there was no ob, or so it seemed, there was no sign/marshal) so I doubled back in doubt. Then turned left but that didn’t look right either I paused for a sec then saw my latter minute man and saw he was slowing down for the corner so I gave way to him and an equally as lost car. Then started into a strong wind but not the too gusty one I’d feared.
A series of close passes did my head in more, and when I got to the cr@py bit of road with that in my head I rode the whole way covering the brake. To stop me swerving into the close passing cars (I never did) :laugh:
Ended up with a 44s PB at 1.01.28 (my previous pb was mid chemo though with a severely bruised wrist). According to my Garmin including the giveaway I was 1.00.20 for the 25, so if I get it right the hour is in sight. Turning 45 at Christmas (sorry someone had to mention that event, at least my tree is not up :rolleyes:) I think I’m running out of time.

I got back an it was still early and nice so I went out for that ride. I wanted back for the TdF so I made it a timed one.



I've never done a TT but sometimes pretend I'm doing one when doing solo lanes.

No idea how the speeds in TTs are achieved! I put in a decent effort and can't break 22mph average over 25 miles, often closer to 20mph to be honest!
I've never done a TT but sometimes pretend I'm doing one when doing solo lanes.

No idea how the speeds in TTs are achieved! I put in a decent effort and can't break 22mph average over 25 miles, often closer to 20mph to be honest!
I messed up my start and did a 1h1min28s (24.7mph for 25.4miles lol); this boy did a 46min22s 32.6mph on the same course :ohmy:
View: https://youtu.be/kPN1qATnU98
I don't know why the speeds are surprising - every day for 3 weeks there has been a hundred men on telly riding about that fast.

Likewise, I can't run 100metres under 11 seconds - but I've seen hundreds do it on the telly, in every decade I've been alive!
If Bradley Wiggins had been an accountant and a hobby cyclist, he'd do 30mph+ in every race and we'd be amazed.
(well, I wouldn't :P )

Of course, if he had a 1970s bike he wouldn't have gone as fast, but that's another discussion ...
But that's their job?

I still think it's impressive that hobby cyclists can hold 25mph+ for 25 miles
Most average TT ers are holding that now or better (I am slightly below average myself) and holding down a day job. The pros are doing 30mph+ these days 😯👍
You'd probably get to near the 25mph relatively easily if you bought all the gear and focussed on the discipline (training and fit etc)👍


Sunny Suffolk
I’m riding a 25 mile TT on Saturday, it’s a fast course and currently the wind direction looks favourable. My target time for the course will be 48min 59sec. I would love to get a 48, last time out on that course with a similar wind direction I managed a 49:06, so fingers crossed I have got 7s better
My head wasn’t really in my 25mile TT, it was more in wanting to enjoy what could be the last summer day. Which is probably the route of me messing it up.
Taking ages to clip in (nerve damage) I missed the over bridge, took the road just after it as I was supposed to do but it never felt right (there was no ob, or so it seemed, there was no sign/marshal) so I doubled back in doubt. Then turned left but that didn’t look right either I paused for a sec then saw my latter minute man and saw he was slowing down for the corner so I gave way to him and an equally as lost car. Then started into a strong wind but not the too gusty one I’d feared.
A series of close passes did my head in more, and when I got to the cr@py bit of road with that in my head I rode the whole way covering the brake. To stop me swerving into the close passing cars (I never did) :laugh:
Ended up with a 44s PB at 1.01.28 (my previous pb was mid chemo though with a severely bruised wrist). According to my Garmin including the giveaway I was 1.00.20 for the 25, so if I get it right the hour is in sight. Turning 45 at Christmas (sorry someone had to mention that event, at least my tree is not up :rolleyes:) I think I’m running out of time.

I got back an it was still early and nice so I went out for that ride. I wanted back for the TdF so I made it a timed one.


My target this year was to get under an hour for a 25miles TT and after last years muck up by me, I was fairly confident I could do it. Saturday was my first attempt on the F2A/25 at Cambourne. When I saw the weather forecast and soaked roads I thought I'd have no chance. Lol, I was wrong I went out and beat the hour by 1 second and 3 minutes 😎 a PB of 4minutes 29s 😎😎

It felt right easy on the 1st of 4 legs and when I glanced down I was cruising at 40-50w above my ramp test FTP (I can'tdo this for a whole hour 🤔). So I moderated the power slightly circa 270-280w. Turned 180deg and expected to struggle but didn't so I kept my moderated power target. At the end of the 2nd leg I again turned 180deg but was still feeling fine so I let myself drift above 280w. I started the last 1/4 still feeling good so I decided to go for it and averaged 313w for the last 5miles. Finished with a NP of 296w for the 57mins and on review my HR only got out of zone 3 for the last 8mins. Maybe I should refresh my FTP but on another day and with a different gradient, wind etc, it seems right 🤔

I should have ignored the power meter altogether and went fully on feel.

OT given that I felt I should have went harder I went out for 134miles the next day.

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