Training to race

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New Member
Hi all,

Posted a couple of times on this site now.

As i have chosen to hopefully at some point give road racing/TT a go, after racing BMX on the Great Britain Olympic team for 3 years.

Took nearly a year off, went from being an international athlete to a bum to be honest, and have also just came back from a 3 week holiday were i did absolutely nothing.

So did my first ride on my new bike today, Gloucester - Bristol along the a38 (for anyone who knows the area), i think its around 26-28miles (didnt have my computer on so cant be exact), it took me just over 1hour 10mins. Was good weather, and was quite pleased with how it went.

Was just wondering how i would go about training towards taking part in some races?

Ive just started my Electrical apprenticeship so am quite busy, going to be doing 2-3 rides a week, but for the mean while i would imagine it would usually be 2 full rides, until i settle in at work then i will go on to 3-4 when i have settled in at work.

Dont worry im not shy of hard work i like to get things done, so please feel free to set me a challenge.

Any help would be great, i look forward to hearing any comments.



New Member
If you want to do time trials, all the information you require is at


Why not contact the people who knew you in your BMX prime? I'm sure they'll be willing and able to point you in the right direction.

IN the meantime log on to the BC site and check for you nearest suitable bike club, i.e. one with its own qualified coach.


New Member
Thanks for the help.

Ive spoke to my old coaches at BC, but to be honest i would like to stay away from there help, they were half the reason i quit bmx.

Is anyone on here from or around the Bristol area that knows of any clubs that like new riders coming along?

I dont want to turn up to a expert level club and be laughed at.

Again any help would be great, thanks very much


You need to chose a club big enough to allow development, but as you have stated not one that is a sponsored race team. Most clubs will allow you to ' free ride' with them for a few rides before committing to a membership, particularly as most memberships are due in Jan 09. I would search all the clubs in Bristol from the BC website, look at their individual club sites, chose the most likely from comments on race reports and go along to a club ride. Keep your 'prowess' under your hat until you are comfortable that you mix with the Cat 3/4 riders and take it from there. You will probably be weak at group riding, but be strong in leg to allow you to be accepted. Good luck.
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