up for a ride?

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Senior Member
First let me start by saying thanks to our guest rider Alan for driving in from Luton to join Dave and I. I'm always pleasantly surprised to see a new face and this was no exception.
I should have known I was in for trouble as I left the house with only my rear brake working at 40%. I left it to get to the meeting point on time, which was soon fixed with the assistance of Alan before we set off. The weather wasn't half bad except for bit of wind which is to be expected on the Fen. I didn't make the full 60 miles thanks to the spokes on my rear wheel popping like they were in a bag in the microwave 20 miles in. My own fault, when I built the wheel up I should have put in new ones instead of being cheap and using spokes over 16 years old. According to Dave it was a lucky escape from the headwind He and Alan faced the 30 miles back around to the start.
Well, this is just the start a nice set of rides before the cold is upon us again. Hope you enjoy the video, and remember it's just of the first 20 miles. Thanks for watching.


Senior Member
Hello All,
I know it's been a minute but I'm still alive and kicking. Looking for a show of hand for a ride on the 15th of Jan. Who's interested and does anyone have any request regarding location? If there are at least 3 or 4 interest the ride will be a hard go barring ice roads of heavy rain.

Got out last weekend with the Usual Suspects. Here's what you missed.


Senior Member
Here we go again. Looks to be a fairly decent turn out as well, which I have to say I'm a bit surprised about for a January. Looks like 3 to 5 may be joining from the BHPC forum and another four from CTC as it stands.

Time: Jan 15th 1000 show, which should give those driving in time and those riding in more than 15 miles daylight to work with.
I'm happy to do 0900 but if everyone want to set off after a hot drink the Udder room opens at 1000. What everyones preference?
Location: Starting at the much loved Udder room. The Udder Room, Forelock and Load, Church Road, Barrow, Bury St Edmunds, IP29 5AX
Routing: Map is courtesy of Hoarder, thank you Sir. https://goo.gl/maps/mdx7FCPRBMm

I can't see the weather as of yet but like I said before barring icy roads or heavy rains the ride will proceed but we can make that call closer to the day. As always if there are any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

Happy Holidays all,


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
I'm quite tempted, but it'll be on an upright of some sort. I can't get the PDQ into the car and I'm still scared of it anyway!
Is it really a 15ish mile ride? I might be able to cope with that, mince pies notwithstanding.


Senior Member
Thanks for catching the distance, I thought it was 36 miles because I assumed it was 17.5 miles each way. I normally do the routing but I stole this from another rider. I've asked him to bump it out to 25 or 30 miles, which is pending. What I think we'll end up doing is those who want to go further than the original map will follow me once we reach Little Saxham for an additional 10 miles or so, sound good?
Hope you can make, sounds like we're going to have good turn out based off the show of hands so far.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
I certainly intend to. I'm currently on holiday, doing slightly shorter rides on a borrowed bike that really doesn't fit, so a ride on a bike that's the right shape and size would be great!

Marco Stefano

New Member
Hello Will,
Been out with you a couple of times before I think (on a Nazca Fuego); hope to make this one & also cycle from Ely if weather permits that morning.
Cheers, Mark.


Senior Member
Hello Will,
Been out with you a couple of times before I think (on a Nazca Fuego); hope to make this one & also cycle from Ely if weather permits that morning.
Cheers, Mark.

Haven't forgotten you Mate, it'll be nice to see you if you can make it.



Senior Member
Looking rough tomorrow, but I'll be in Barrow shortly before 10. I intended to ride as long as the roads aren't icy.

Will, out.


Senior Member
Let me start by thanking ChrisH , James, Jon and Brian for showing and then sticking it out for a ride. When I say the conditions weren't friendly I'm being nice. It never got above 39F and the rain never stop. It was so bad, when we stopped to patch a leak we checked the tube in a puddle and it was covered in ice. Good luck finding a bubble there lol.
If your wondering why I'm behind in every scene its because I was struggling. Between being out of shape the weather, and the climb I stayed cramping in one muscle group or another. The guys were very patient as there was a lot of waiting on me especially after every climb.
As always I'm quite a lucky guy to have such a nice bunch of guys to ride along with in even the worst weather. Special thanks to Chris and James for driving down from Norwich. Oh and never make plans with other like minded crazy people they'll make you go through with it, lol.
The video is a short and sweet version, a longer version with will be sorted in a few days. I'll make it public on Youtube but I won't be posting the link on any of the forum. I will add the link to the Youtube comments when it done.

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