Urinating in public yes/no ?

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Our very first trip to Brittany with a caravan we camped overnight at Cherbourg straight off the ferry and got to know the area on bicycles. The next day set off for Brittany camp site, pulled over for a cuppa in a lay by and two French men had a pee in the hedge with their backs to us Roastbeefs as if we weren’t there like they do it every day!
Super friendly cyclist groups we met all cheerfully waving and nice a pleasure to cycle in France


Kilometre nibbler
Our very first trip to Brittany with a caravan we camped overnight at Cherbourg straight off the ferry and got to know the area on bicycles. The next day set off for Brittany camp site, pulled over for a cuppa in a lay by and two French men had a pee in the hedge with their backs to us Roastbeefs as if we weren’t there like they do it every day!
Super friendly cyclist groups we met all cheerfully waving and nice a pleasure to cycle in France

What, exactly, were they waving? :ohmy:


Legendary Member
That doesn't explain why disabled claimants, or able bodied ones are expected to hold their bladder or bowels for an hour, while those who are interviewing them don't. If a hospital said all the toilets in that hospital are for doctors, nurses, porters etc and patients have to cross their legs, where would we as patients stand?

there is legislation for cafe premises with over 10 seat (I think) have to provide toilet facilities, retail premises or shipping centres over a certain size do , but I don't think there is any legislation compelling other businesses / organisations.


Our very first trip to Brittany with a caravan we camped overnight at Cherbourg straight off the ferry and got to know the area on bicycles. The next day set off for Brittany camp site, pulled over for a cuppa in a lay by and two French men had a pee in the hedge with their backs to us Roastbeefs as if we weren’t there like they do it every day!
Super friendly cyclist groups we met all cheerfully waving and nice a pleasure to cycle in France

At the Dublin marathon there was a row of approximately 50 males peeing against a wall with a mile or two of the start.
Probably due to the black stuff drunk the night before!


South Wales
At the Dublin marathon there was a row of approximately 50 males peeing against a wall with a mile or two of the start.
Probably due to the black stuff drunk the night before!

Watching the GCN+ coverage of the ToB yesterday, when the race got halted at the top of the Bwlch because of the Road accident in Treorchy, you could see most of the riders immediately heading for the nearest wall. The cameras were truying not to dwell on it, beut no matter which way you turned, there were riders clearly taking a pee break.


Smash the cistern
The shop's owner isn't acting in a discriminatory way. He's just worried I might fall down the stairs. I've told him before in a joking kind of way that if I fall I won't sue him and I meant it. The building is very old. The stairs are made of stone, quite steep and the handrail is a bit loose. When you do make it upstairs on the way to the toilet it's full of clothes clutter as the shop owner is a hoarder. After that, there are more steps down to the toilet. It's an assault course getting to that bog! He's ok about me discretely peeing in a bottle in the changing room. Let's knock rock the boat eh.

What's the name of the shop so I can make sure I never go in there?


Über Member
That doesn't explain why disabled claimants, or able bodied ones are expected to hold their bladder or bowels for an hour, while those who are interviewing them don't. If a hospital said all the toilets in that hospital are for doctors, nurses, porters etc and patients have to cross their legs, where would we as patients stand?

Most interviews/signing on at the JobCentre doesnt take an hour. When I've signed on I've been in and out in 10 minutes. Obviously people at hospital can be there for hours..
Most adults unless they have a incontinence problem can wait an hour if they have gone to the toilet beforehand.


Smash the cistern
Really, by law eh?! Well explain this one to me if you can. When I used to sign on at the Job Centre the clients/claimants toilet was closed to the clients/claimants, so the pampered public sector staff didn't have to travel upstairs to that toilet. They have two toilets, the claimants had to cross their legs! Bear in mind that some JC interviews can last up to an hour. Where's the disability rights there eh?! I mentioned this to one of the pen pushers at the JC who told me that there's a public toilet in the local Tesco, which is around a third of a mile away. She also said I should go to the toilet before I leave home, speaking to me like I was a child. So let me see. I have a pee at 11am, before I leave home, then I'm expected to hold my bladder till say 12.30 when potentially my JC interview ends, then I have to hobble a third of a mile to the Tesco bogs!
The shop I work in is a very old building, as I said before. What is the owner expected to do, have a lift put in for me maybe?

Fix the handrail and remove the clutter at an absolute bare minimum. Don't let you piss in a bottle on the shop floor because that's probably breaking environmental health legislation.

Seriously, you say public sector workers are pampered but here you are in the private sector pissing in a bottle? Didn't you say on the peacocking thread that someone asked you on a date? Would you tell them the situation? How are you washing your hands? This is grim.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Didn't you say on the peacocking thread that someone asked you on a date? Would you tell them the situation? How are you washing your hands? This is grim.
I do not see a problem with careful, discreet urinating in a bottle! Have you ever had a hospital stay, where you've been in bed and peed in a bottle with the bed's curtains drawn. Not all pee on their fingers, in fact if you do there must be something wrong with you. Even if a bit of pee gets on your fingers there's anti-bac (I always carry a little bottle) and this is urine we're talking about here, not diarrhea! All this kerfuffle over a bit of pee and yet I look around and see some right fecking dirty slobs out there! 🧐 I've seen some downright grotesque sights this summer! I'd certainly rather keep peeing in a bottle than walk round with everything hanging out and covered in chavvy tattoos!! 🧐


I do not see a problem with careful, discreet urinating in a bottle! Have you ever had a hospital stay, where you've been in bed and peed in a bottle with the bed's curtains drawn. Not all pee on their fingers, in fact if you do there must be something wrong with you. Even if a bit of pee gets on your fingers there's anti-bac (I always carry a little bottle) and this is urine we're talking about here, not diarrhea! All this kerfuffle over a bit of pee and yet I look around and see some right fecking dirty slobs out there! 🧐 I've seen some downright grotesque sights this summer! I'd certainly rather keep peeing in a bottle than walk round with everything hanging out and covered in chavvy tattoos!! 🧐

I peed yesterday and a fleet of cars passed stuff it I thought kept on going!


Leg End Member
Yes - but think of your electric bill!!!

and possibly stains on the outside of the door - and the burning smell could last for ages!
Clearcoting the outside of the door will cut down on staining. Also removal and recoating would be easy.

It's not burning so much, more quick boiling.
Really, by law eh?! Well explain this one to me if you can. When I used to sign on at the Job Centre the clients/claimants toilet was closed to the clients/claimants, so the pampered public sector staff didn't have to travel upstairs to that toilet. They have two toilets, the claimants had to cross their legs! Bear in mind that some JC interviews can last up to an hour. Where's the disability rights there eh?! I mentioned this to one of the pen pushers at the JC who told me that there's a public toilet in the local Tesco, which is around a third of a mile away. She also said I should go to the toilet before I leave home, speaking to me like I was a child. So let me see. I have a pee at 11am, before I leave home, then I'm expected to hold my bladder till say 12.30 when potentially my JC interview ends, then I have to hobble a third of a mile to the Tesco bogs!
The shop I work in is a very old building, as I said before. What is the owner expected to do, have a lift put in for me maybe?

11 to 12:30 - WOW
WHen I was a teacher some days I had to "hold it in" for 2 and a half hours most days
30 minutes registration followed by 2 1 hour lessons - and I couldn;t leave the class at any point because there had to be an adult in every class at all times

It actually caused problems with HR because for a while I was on some tablets that gave me tummy upsets and I couldn't be sure I could stay away from a toilet for that long - and hence had to take the morning off a few times
Which transgressed the county sickness policy which is not to be questioned!
Nowadays I would probably challenge them over disability and mental health legislation - but due to my mental health problem at the time I didn;t think about it

anyway - 2 1/2 hours with no toilet available was just normal at the time!
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