What do you mean, you can't....

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm sure we all have a talent or many. Whereas there'll always been people who can't do that thing. What can you do, that you're amazed others can't?

For example. Cooking. I cook every day, usually curry or pasta or risotto type stuff improvised from whatever I have to hand, but I can turn my hand to pretty much anything with a recipe, savoury, sweet, baking, full roast dinner etc and it's normally at least edible. And it amazes me when people say they can't cook and appear to be able to create nothing but havoc in a kitchen. How hard can it be? Ok, some things get better with practice, and I guess I learnt at my Mum and Dad's apron strings, but really, you just follow the instructions...

Second example. Pronouncing new words. Watching 'Come Dine With Me' the other day, there was a chap who couldn't say 'Pavlova' correctly, even after he'd heard it said right. Some people seem to have a mental block with any unfamiliar word, even if none of the sounds are all that odd (I know other languages have sounds we don't in English, but Pavlova doesn't contain any odd sounds).

On the other hand of course, I can barely stand upright on a skateboard, let alone do tricks.


Smutmaster General
[glasgow accent] Is that a Pavlova, or a meringue? [/glasgow accent]


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
I don't understand how people can't pronounce the word 'Croissant'.
It's not 'crossn't' - it's the first part of the noise a duck makes, a SSS sound, the word On and a T on the end. Qua sss on t. Simples!!!


Senior Member
I can turn my hand to most things, indoors and out, from putting up shelves, laying flooring to building steps and laying paths. As well as all the supposedly girly things like cooking, baking etc. My philosophy is to have a go and if I fail, then I can always pay to for someone to do it. I think most folk use the excuse that they can't do it when they are too lazy to even try.


Resting in suspended Animation
Cycling no handed.
Remember EPG numbers for tv channels. Infact remembering numbers full stop. Always amazed me as you talk to people who talk about music and remembering notes and when you look at a piece of music it looks very similar. Always wondered why some people are so good at remembering poetry too (different reasons obviously).


Legendary Member
Cooking is an instinctive thing, sure it helps to know some techniques and a bit about caramelisation and so on but I find I can cobble together a decent meal or snack from the contants of the fridge or cupboard if necessary.

Pronouncing new words depends on the ability to pick up nuances of sound and mimic them. Try listening to an Igbo or a Yoruba saying a word that has several meanings depending on the vowel intonation then try to copy them; it's hard when you've grown up hearing only guttural language sounds.


Über Member
marinyork said:
Cycling no handed.
Remember EPG numbers for tv channels. Infact remembering numbers full stop. Always amazed me as you talk to people who talk about music and remembering notes and when you look at a piece of music it looks very similar. Always wondered why some people are so good at remembering poetry too (different reasons obviously).

I remember telephone numbers AND read music very well. Perhaps it's all connected! Although the music thing can be taught....

Jane Smart

The Queen
Dunfermline Fife
I can go a pogo stick no hands ;)

I can cook, I love cleaning, I make my own curtains :tongue:

Oh and one thing I can do that no one else can is ride MY bike, that is because I would never ever lend it to anyone :evil:
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