What type of paint have you used to paint over mold in bathroom.

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I open the window to vent the bathroom. I get black mold on the ceiling. It comes off with bleach on a cloth. When I paint the ceiling with emulsion the mold always returns. Have you used any type of paint that helps with this sort of winter problem?


Don't paint over it, clean it and treat it.

First though, either fix the problem or open the window longer.
You need to find the reason - if it is in the ceiling then is there a source of dampness above??
Maybe the plasterboard is damp and doesn;t dry out in between times when the window is open?

another possibility os that there is (or was) a small leak behind something and the dampness is hanging around
Once the mould spores are around then they are a bugger to get rid of - may need to replace the area of plasterboard affected maybe??


Ride It Like You Stole It!
Could be worth investing in a dehumidifier. We run one constantly in the kitchen, mainly for drying clothing on a clothes rack, but the added plus point is we don't get any mould or similar growing on the window frames, or on the seals - there is no condensation from cooking etc. Makes a big difference. The rest of the house isn't affected. We always have the bathroom window open anyway, but the dehumidifier will be reducing overall moisture (bathroom and kitchen being the big moisture producers).


I remember years back when someone was trying to stick a claim in against me for causing dampness in their property after we spanned across their roof with quite a few tons of scaffolding, but I knew we hadn't even touched their roof as the beams used were hoisted into position. My insurance came down, and first noted the near freezing temperatures in the building as it was a holiday let and mostly empty in winter and said that if it wipes off, it is likely environmental whereas if it doesn't, its likely soaked through from an issue elsewhere. In my case, it wiped clean and I never heard another word about it.


Heavy Metal Fan
I had similar in my bedrooms. I wiped it off with bleach, though it had made the artex on the ceiling crack already. I used a special tube of mould killer which I saw online for about 8 quid. But I think it is just really thick bleach that doesn't drip, so you can squirt it on a ceiling and let it soak for as long as you want. Seems to have done the trick


If it recurs then you need to take a belt and braces approach. Killing the mould off with some proper mould remover then put a mould resistant paint down - something like the Zinsser paints mentioned above.

Also you need to find a way to reduce the reduce moisture - fitting an extractor fan or using a dehumidifer are both good options
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