Whats your Diet ?

Whats your Diet ?

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peanut said:
wot time do you eat ?:biggrin:

I'll be round directly :sad:

Mrs M sounds like a little treasure . So what exactly are you eating that you never feel hungry and still lose weight ? we all want to know :sad:

She is, and I'm very lucky, It took a while to settle into the routine, but I think your stomach shrinks, or your desire deminishes? we virtually cut out alchimihol too.

Generally we have porridge for breakfast, mrs M will have a bowl of Cous Cous for her lunch, I have a filled bread roll or maybe a tin of mackerell fillets, plus loads of fruit, easily more than 5 a day, then a nice wholesome evening meal.

No nibbles in between meal times, no crisps, cut down on general fat intake, but I still eat chocolate, I found cutting down on alchimihol easy, but I couldn't do without me dark chocolate min 75% cacao bean.


Well done , sounds like you have got a good routine in place.
its the in between meals snacks that does for me .:sad::biggrin: Ahem well that and portion size gulp

I always have a bowl of cereal at supper time and usually some biscuits or a cake at some point during the day.
I'm going to try keeping a food diary again so I can see where I am cheating :sad:
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