Where have you come from?

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Smutmaster General
i.e. what did your ancestors do? (addendum to what do you do for a living?) post
My paternal grandfather was a sewage worker in Dublin, his wife was a housewife who died at age 36 having had 10 children(!)
My maternal grandfather was variously a worker in a gasworks in County Cork, a navvy on roads in UK and Heathrow airport runway. His wife was a housewife who died age 85 having outlived 4 of her 9 children(!)
My parents both moved to England in the 1950s and became nurses. I am a lecturer in linguistics. :biggrin:


New Member
I came from reading
My muthar's granfether was chief cuntstable of Perthshire, her fether wis chairman of the Scottish Polis federation. Ma fether's fether wis in tha war, drove the last tram in Glesgae, became a ticket inspector and was a champion lawn bowler. Their wives were wifeys.

My muther's muther's fether's fether was hung by the English for sheep stealing.

Graham O

New Member
Have got a very muddled ancestry. Most of the paternal family have been military connected, so there's been a lot of travel and deaths! The maternal family come from Portsmouth and Hampshire. Personally from Portsmouth, but the surname comes from the Scottish Borders.

No idea if he is a relation, but an Ogle was one of the men who shoved a red hot iron up Edward II's bum to kill him. The Ogle family fell out of royal favour after that!


Formerly known as djtheglove
Graham O said:
Have got a very muddled ancestry. Most of the paternal family have been military connected, so there's been a lot of travel and deaths! The maternal family come from Portsmouth and Hampshire. Personally from Portsmouth, but the surname comes from the Scottish Borders.

No idea if he is a relation, but an Ogle was one of the men who shoved a red hot iron up Edward II's bum to kill him. The Ogle family fell out of royal favour after that!

Oh how I laughed-priceless:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::smile::smile::smile::smile:


Father's side: grandfather's father was a vaudeville comedian - in fact the whole family were a troupe of players - in the USA (although the family originally came from Lancashire), who came to the UK to play the London music halls in the late C19th and married an Irish immigrant (who I know nothing about).

Half of grandmother's family were Jews came fled from the Poland/Ukraine area to escape persecution at the end of the C19th, and the other half were from Norfolk (I think). Most of the family were wiped out by one bomb that destroyed their entire street in Peckham during WW2.

Mother's side: mostly Highland Scottish (to way back when), except for a strong dash of French Huguenot refugee on my grandmother's side.

None of them were ever involved in sticking anything up the arse of anyone in the Royal Family...
I just know my pa pars side as I don't give a s88t about my ma's side
My dad works for a Environmental NGO charity in India
My dads dad was a worked on the railways in India as a train driver and over things but all to do with the Indian railways.
My days dads dad was in the army in India
My dads dads dads dad was in the navy doing ?

How far do you wish me to go back as I know (?) of 12 generations.


Cycling in the sun
My rellies on both sides have been farmers near Magherafelt in Northern Ireland for generations .... anyone want a potato:biggrin:?
I don't really know but as I get older I have a stronger desire to find out. I am largely Celt, Irish and Welsh, no Pict that I know of but my fathers side is largely a mystery to me.
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