Why can't the whole day be nice?

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Senior Member
We (that is me and my 11 and 10 yr old boys) had a lovely jaunt, 8 miles this morning. Played in the garden this afternoon, bit of telly, bit of playstation tea then more play in the garden then wham, ball accidently hits 11 yr old in eye whole range of expletives (so I am told), both boys in a total strop. So I have sent them up to get ready for bed and they can read there. As well as telling them if I catch them using that language it will be no football training or matches for a week. I am sooooooo horrible sometimes.

Do you have horrible parenting moments


I love Dr D
Nope when I say no to the kids they know I mean no and they dont back chat, give me grief....... I do let them do almost any thing they wish but they know that no is no.


just passin' through
NO! :biggrin:

No horrible (or good) kids! :sad:

Don't be too hard on them; all boys have a dose of Tourette's syndrome about that age! :biggrin:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
Oh yes - I grabbed my son in this evening - as he has swore at some other kids - happened to be that the other kids were whipping them with the plastic box tape ...explained after......... anyway in - I don't do swearing from a 7 year old, and the other kids can, and will, get lost next time they come calling...that's the problem with mixed ages playing - he knows swearing is wrong..... !

Mr Pig

New Member
Willow said:
Do you have horrible parenting moments

Only with the one who's reached his teens! The younger ones are ok, but when they get to double figures they should be locked up for ten years! ;0)

Night Train

Maker of Things
I've got my god daughter and her sister coming up to visit in a few weeks, That could well be a horrible god parenting moment (or a horrible god parent moment :biggrin: ).

Keith Oates

My 15 year old son lets some words slip at times and I complain but to be fair there is not much we as parents can do about it, except to show by example and not swear ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cycling in the sun
Mr Pig said:
Only with the one who's reached his teens! The younger ones are ok, but when they get to double figures they should be locked up for ten years! ;0)

I like this idea - off to research it further ....

Keith Oates said:
My 15 year old son lets some words slip at times and I complain but to be fair there is not much we as parents can do about it, except to show by example and not swear ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine are between 7 and 13 and the odd word slips out of the two older ones. The thing is I suspect with their friends they probably swear more. I know as a child I soon learnt not to swear near my parents. I don't swear very much ... there has been an increase since I took up cycling (when I have close shave moments). But I don't think I swear infront of them except in exceptional circumstances.


My eight year old asked me what the "c" word was the other day (some new kid had used it at school). I told him and why it was a bad use of language


Über Member
The following is imprinted on my memory banks ...

1. Sitting eating Sunday lunch with in laws when eldest daughter then twelve said

" Dad, Dad, Daaad, whats a blowjob" long pause ........ Grandma's jaw hits table ........:biggrin: Mrs BG has urgent appointment in the kitchen...

2. Some years later No 2 Son to Grandad..

"Grandad, can you make a niose like a frog"
"No Matthew , why?"
" Cos dad said that when you croak we're going to inherit a fortune":eek::evil:

( I'd told him that as a a joke some weeks before and he adapted it to the first person and tried it on Grandad....

Kids ah ... love em....


Willow said:
We (that is me and my 11 and 10 yr old boys) had a lovely jaunt, 8 miles this morning. Played in the garden this afternoon, bit of telly, bit of playstation tea then more play in the garden then wham, ball accidently hits 11 yr old in eye whole range of expletives (so I am told), both boys in a total strop. So I have sent them up to get ready for bed and they can read there. As well as telling them if I catch them using that language it will be no football training or matches for a week. I am sooooooo horrible sometimes.

Do you have horrible parenting moments

Are you serious :biggrin:


You pointing out; correct from in-correct.

Whats the prob.

They know they've had a good-day BUT due to their intellect at the moment they can only side with how they acted.
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