Wiggle, CRC etc

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Hmm, great way to get shut of workforce.

Should appeal to Amazon.
Now all they need is a robot that can pic and pack..

And a under paid maintenance person to fix it when it jams..

Perfect, even more shops close.

I fookin hate Amazon


Legendary Member
That's not new - Chain Reaction had a film clip on their website several years ago showing a system that added the order items (manual picking into a tote tray) and then cut out and created a cardboard carton (from very large flat sheets of corruguated board) of the optimum dimensions - before labelling and packing on a stillage that was then loaded into the selected courier firm's trailer at the loading bay - before the courier sent a tractor cab to take the trailer away at the end of the day.

On a slightly different tack back in about 1977 I had a customer that made office furniture (we printed his catalogues) - he had a computer prog that worked out the orders and packed the trucks for delivery with the optimum quantity, sorted by the sequence of delivery drops.


[I'd be interested to see the CRC film again if it could be found] AH- Mr Google has just obliged (it was 2011)
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7iUtGcOn-c


Legendary Member
I have had some very large boxes from CRC containing very small objects and lots of bubblewrap!

Ditto (and Amazon has become more reckless with box sizes of late) - I think the CRC/Wiggle system has declined in efficiency over the past few years, and most of it is now, I think, processed at Wiggle at Wolverhampton (or near there?)



Legendary Member
Ditto (and Amazon has become more reckless with box sizes of late) - I think the CRC/Wiggle system has declined in efficiency over the past few years, and most of it is now, I think, processed at Wiggle at Wolverhampton (or near there?)

Yep. When I first saw this Hyundia advert I genuinely thought it was an Amazon advert:

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