Woman convicted of manslaughter after swearing and gesturing at 77 year old cyclist.

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Is it a cycle route or not - there is this at Starbeck North Yorkshire

which seems quite clear to me, although invariably I have joined the road at one of two previous accesses, but a bit further on is this

without any sign between indicating there is shared pavement. Maybe it starts only a short disatance before where there is a wide dropped kerb and the pavement is wider thereon.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
On the topic of the Police being unable to determine if it was a cycle path or not

There are several places round here where there is a perfectly good cycle path
then after a while it is less good
then even less and more and more narrow

until eventually you realise that it is probably not a cycle path any more

On many occasions I have gone back on the same route and made a point of checking in case I missed a sign of some kind - and found nothing

So I could be riding along an apparent cycle path that, coming the other way, has had no indication of it because it isn;t at that point but I had no indication of that

A similar problem exists in this area, made worse by cycle way markings scrubbed out through lack of maintenance. A few months ago, my wife (cycling) was involved in a verbal altercation with a pedestrian, who insisted that my wife was cycling on the footpath. The pedestrian was actually standing on the mostly obliterated whit line, sperating the footpath and cycle track.


Legendary Member
Sorry to go on a slight tangent. Last week i was on a shared path along a dual carriageway and some other cyclists were coming the other way (plenty of space, as we crossed paths one of the other cyclists made a loud barking noise ( to annoy me ). This has been going on for months every time we cross paths. In the winter, in the pitch black and they have no lights one of the pair does the same thing. In the context of the incident of this page, if I was to have an accident as a result of being startled, this could land the culprit in serious trouble ? I've got a GoPro to capture this occurance a few times as it is really getting on my nerves. I started avoiding the route which puts me on a road (not the dual carriageway) - Thoughts please.

The answer to this is blindingly obvious, whenever he barks, miaow like a cat back at him or let out a massive "cock-a-doodle doo" :okay:
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I was right about that saddle
If so, why does some bloke (I assume) riding towards you barking 'startle' you and to the degree you avoid them?

Either get off and sort it or just laugh it off.

I've confronted the rider as he did it for the 100th time - I asked him why he barks at me and I asked him to stop. He said "you can't prove anything" and "dogs can bite too". He was very agressive and i can't say I was particularly nice about it either but I did not threaten him as he did to me
I didn't get any of this on to GoPro unfortunately - but if it happens again on camera I shall go to the fuzz.


To anyone clicking on that link provided by @Cycleops my Avast antivirus came up with a "threat secured" warning. The article itself seems rather garbled as if it has been written by a non English speaker and translated by Google translate or similar. Why hasn't this driver's experience been featured in one of the more mainstream media? She has obviously suffered. I hope that her likely trauma was also considered by the judge in the case.


Well-Known Member
Interesting photo from twitter – was she pushed
View attachment 680149

Latest article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-64835197

"In police interview, Grey said she believed she had made light contact with Mrs Ward.
Det Sgt Dollard, who interviewed Grey, told BBC Radio Cambridgeshire: "I'll always remember the morning after it occurred obtaining the CCTV and watching it in its entirety.
"In all honesty it's horrific and not appropriate for wider release to the public, but, if it were, then I think a lot of the arguments in relation to appropriate responses would be null and void."

"The trial was told that police could not "categorically" state whether the pavement was a shared cycleway, but in his sentencing remarks Judge Sean Enright said it was."


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
The comments in the DM were fairly predictable. The poor woman should have received a suspended sentence and the law and judges are a disgrace and not fit for purpose.


The comments in the DM were fairly predictable. The poor woman should have received a suspended sentence and the law and judges are a disgrace and not fit for purpose.

Comments on other online reports are equally bad in some are pretty sick.

The driver in this case is equally a victim of crime and will form part of any consequences of offending work. Which Grey will have to engage with if she wishers to progress though the system with least resistance.
What ever happens the driver will need some pretty intense help to over come the her survivor guilt.


Über Member
The woman who carried on at the cyclist should go to prison. To me she doesnt look all there, to be honest. Theres no excuse for her behaviour and she'll have plenty of time to think about it in prison.Also if she starts carrying on with people in there she will soon know about it.


The woman who carried on at the cyclist should go to prison. To me she doesnt look all there, to be honest. Theres no excuse for her behaviour and she'll have plenty of time to think about it in prison.Also if she starts carrying on with people in there she will soon know about it.

She will most likely be placed on the VP wing due to her health needs
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