Worst band ever?

the worst band in the world

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Mr Pig

New Member
Dave5N said:
Nope. It's Coldplay.

Yip, so it is. Elevator music with words.


Flying_Monkey said:
I went a really nice trip today with friends here... but the one thing that almost ruined it was that for the first hour of the journey, my friend insisted on playing Rush. Now, I have never really paid much attention to the Canadian prog outfit before, but for ****'s sake, what an awful, horrible band from start to finish, the most pretentious songs that would be funny if they didn't seem to go on for ever, with interminable twiddly guitar parts, and countless drum solos, topped off by that evil screeching ninny of a singer. I honestly think that if I ever have to listen to more than a few seconds of this turgid, vile creation ever again, I will seriously have to take up harming small fluffy creatures, or machine-gunning passers-by just to make the noise in my head stop. Goddamn it, that was painful!

Now I have seen plenty of men of a certain age on this forum and elsewhere going on about Rush as if they were some kind of god-like figures but seriously, is there something wrong with your hearing or musical sensibility? Do you have a heightened tolerance for screaming cats and blackboards being scraped....? I mean that might work if it was somehow challenging or radical, but Rush are like the arse-end of prog, which is the arse-end of popular music anyway.

Now, I really don't want to hear any defence of Rush because there simply is none, but do tell us, anybody, what your vote for the worst band ever is and why. I don't mean overrated (we've done that one several times), I mean what band is really the worst thing you have heard. Give reasons and be as rude as you like, after all, bad music is offensive and deserves a good kicking.

To each his own FM; I wouldn't impose my musical tastes on anyone else, so in that respect your friends are somewhat wanting. You could always have asked them to play something else?

Blue Manc

New Member
Can't really argue with Rush. 25 years of producing different stuff, all of it crap. Worst band I've ever seen live were The Stereophonics.


Cubist said:
I like Rush. But not their early stuff, or the later stuff. They were pretty good between all that pseudo-heavy crap like Bastille Day and the point where they all disappeared up their own peanuts somewhere in the mid 80s. Trouble is they mixed styles, and as a threesome all had such massive egos that the music seemed to revolve around technical excellence. It left Geddy Lee struggling to fit Peart's turgid lyrics round Lifeson's uninspiring guitar playing, and his own keyboard skills, while Peart appeared to be simply showing off with the bigest drum-kit in the world. I found them great as a teenager with albums like Signals and Grace Under Pressure, but the rest became too dull to bother with.

Agreed, some of the older stuff is not to my taste either. Usually because of the length of tracks and some is just musical onanism. I can usually pick 1 or 2 tracks off the older albums I like. Some of it loses its relevance as time goes on and just because you're not Canadian. Bastille Day is a case in point.
Some of their better stuff is the shorter tracks and the more commercial stuff. Rush are a group you are either going to love or hate TBH and if you hate Geddy's warbling, that's it.

But, then, I get the same feeling as FM whenever I hear the Clash, The Jam or Paul Weller and we know how many people like them on here. I just never got the whole punk urban warrior thing.


Legendary Member
Surely Queen have to be challenging. In the sea of turgid, pointless bores, they stand out as the turgidest (is that a word? It is now), pointlessest (see contents of previous brackets) boringest most pathetic worthless pile of poop ever.


nothing in moderation
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:

i'll make you pay for saying that on rainbow road ;)


Rush. I like a fair bit of their stuff but i remember being appalled when my mate played me "A Farewell To Kings" with the awful girly singing.

Since I learned to play guitar and having played some of the "easy" Rush songs I have to admit that they are very accomplished musicians but may not be to everyone's taste.
Give me Dream Theater & Symphony X anyday.

Arctic Monkeys - talk about talentless shite.
Reminds me of the very first band I was in. We were bloody awful. Probably get a record deal nowadays.;)
Rush were definitely a product of their time. If you were a musical kid with an interest in rock music, the three members were all really brilliant exponents of their instruments and loads of people I knew as a teenager saught to emulate them. They were technically brilliant players and really innovative with new technology in their performances.


Neil Peart wrote possibly some of the worst lyrics ever to be set to music. Someone mentioned 'Spirit of the radio'...which contains the line 'one likes to believe in the freedom of music'. ONE LIKES TO BELIEVE..! Who is he the queen? And I get a bit bored after a 20 minute self indulgent rock symphony.

I generally can't stand rock music like Bruce Springsteen and Queen. It's complete tripe.


Smutmaster General
the worst band NAME ever, must be "Too Much for the White Man". I saw them at the Galway Scooter Festival in 1986. Music was OK (except for a ska version of some Springsteen tune, which was as bad as the idea sounds). They morphed into the Saw Doctors, who were OK, if you like that sort of thing. I'd only chanced upon the festival, hitching round Ireland visiting relatives as I was, and I was on my way out to Connemara, but on seeing loads of scooters whizzing around town, I asked what was on, stayed in a B&B and caught a load of good bands and had a great evening out with a bunch of Irish mods :rolleyes:
But the band NAME was sh!te :biggrin:
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