Average Speed, What's Yours?

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Leg End Member
What's yours, and on what type of cycle?
Two wheels, mountain bike, on road according to the cycle computer is around 13 - 14mph.
On four wheels on road, based on time taken & checking the distance later, is down around the 8 - 9 mph.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I'm pretty sure that I'm lurking deep in the first quartile.

roley poley

The only measurement of my speed I have is those speed advisory signs they have at the side of the road ..smiley green face if your under the limit ..frown red face if over ..so pleased to say it's 9 -12 MPH as I pass one on the way to work in second gear on my brommie up a slight rise
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Mine is currently - on a 20" wheel folder - about 6mph, on winding narrow (pavement-width) paths with decent surfaces, no hills but negotiating frequent cycle barriers and crossing busy roads. I can overtake slow joggers, that's all! But three weeks ago, it was less than 5mph and that wasn't counting all the stops I had to make, so I'm happy and that's all that matters!


East Sussex
I was really pleased with this.


South Wales
Pretty variable.

Up until a fortnight or so ago, was riding a hybrid, almost entirely on road, distance varying from about 10-30 miles, all moderately hilly, average speed usually between 14mph and 16.4 mph.

Now I have a decent road bike, average over that last fortnight is usually between 16.5 and 18, over similar distances.

This was today's ride, at 17mph

FWIW, I'm a 62 year old male, riding 10-18 miles most evenings after work, with some longer rides at weekends, nothing over 36 miles yet.
Just enough to stop me tipping over. You should see me on my trike.


An Peanut
Faster than most, but slower than some. It is all pretty irrelevant, smiles per mile is better than miles per hour.

Usually, in my own it is in the mid 18s, that will jump by 1 mph in a sociable group, when it is hammer time and we stop talking we can average 21 or more.

Edit: the above is no boast, I am fully aware that there are many, many faster riders out there, especially @blazed
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