Beach Cycling on Parque de Donana

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Planning to cycle between Cadis and Seville in Sep-24. The outline route is between catch ferry at and cycle to sanlucar de barrameda, catching the ferry and then cycling to Matalascanas. The group I am cycling with will on road bikes not mtb and max tyre size is likely to be 28mm which are narrow for cycling on sand. Has anyone any experience of cycling in this area?



Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
None whatsoever but I do have experience cycling on sand due to the very sandy tracks that are supposed to be roads here.
If it's deep it'll be a struggle, verging on impossible on 28c rubber, if not so deep, say an inch or so, you'll manage if you drop the pressure right down.

Planning to cycle between Cadis and Seville in Sep-24. The outline route is between catch ferry at and cycle to sanlucar de barrameda, catching the ferry and then cycling to Matalascanas. The group I am cycling with will on road bikes not mtb and max tyre size is likely to be 28mm which are narrow for cycling on sand. Has anyone any experience of cycling in this area?


Sorry, I'm all confused about your route. Have I got his right?
You're taking a ferry from Cadiz to Sanlucar de Barrameda.
From Sanlucar de Barrameda you're riding along the beach to Matalascanas.
Then from Matalascanas up to Sevilla?

A couple of things.....
Are you sure about that ferry? I don't see anything marked on my maps.
If there is a ferry, wind (and there's a lot of wind in that part of the world) can affect the smaller ferries in & out of Cadiz. If there is no ferry due to wind you have a problem because the replacement buses won't take bikes.

As to the meat of your question, some of the beaches in the south have a series of walkways (that we can sometimes bike on) along the beaches but there don't appear to be any on your section.
Using Cycle.Travel I can plot a route along the beach from Sanlucar de Barrameda to Matalascanas and use Streetview to see sections of the route. It seems to be 35 km on pure sand with no way off if things aren't going well. I don't think I'd try it on a road bike. Maybe when the tide is going out (firmer sand) but not on the weekend (busier).

Take care plotting a route to Sevilla. Paved roads are pretty good but some of the roads through the park can be rough gravel. Even in September temperatures can be well into the high 30s in that part of the world.


There is a ferry from Sanlúcar de Barrameda to Doñana. Like you I an concerned about the distance on a raw beach. The Streatview bits I looked at on show fresh tyre tracks on wet sand from the Google car/jeep. Once started there is no plan B and the distance is too long too walk. Diversions around the Park is 100km+ and cyclists are not welcome in the national park.

I have suggested the course designer cycles a few miles on a Donegal beach before he finalised the route ^_^
There is a ferry from Sanlúcar de Barrameda to Doñana.
Yes, there's one to get you across the river/estuary.
How are you getting to Sanlucar de Barrameda?
Diversions around the Park is 100km+
West of Cadiz can be quite complicated. A lot of new motorways have been built and not all mapping is up to date. Dead ends or roads that just end are not uncommon.
cyclists are not welcome in the national park.
Not sure about that. I've crisscrossed the park without problems.

How's your Spanish?


From about 4:30 is useful for you.
There are more videos if you search Playa de DOÑANA en bici
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