Mundane News

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I've made up a concoction of engine oil, 3in1 , White spirit and engine degreaser and poured it down inside the front fork of my Woodrup. I have left it to soak. Not sure if it will work but I thought I would give it a try. Old engine oil would be messy, acid a bit destructive. As the expander is loose it would take a lot of penetrating oil. Just have to see.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny morning with light winds so triking I think once the morning rush into town is over.
Great rejoicing as apparently MV Isle of Mull has been seen taking traffic from Craignure to Oban.

Cyclists getting stick from a councillor in Shetland and quite justified I think. Some cruise liners have bikes available for their inmates and large groups go out on the local roads causing chaos. I have indeed been there when that happened and a group of about 30 at least were trundling along taking up the whole roadway and not allowing following vehicles to overtake. On one occasion I came on a large group all in single file. Problem was it was impossible to overtake them as they were stretched out for a considerable distance with no room to pull in for oncoming traffic. It was all or nothing and dangerous for all.

Today's gripe is that detested holiday home blocking my car in with a wheely bin rather than having it in front of their own gate.
When I go out it will end up firmly blocking their gate.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
The early Sprints from 1973 were Mimosa yellow . Later versions were Inca yellow .

Mine was an early one, It had belonged to my uncle, who wanted one with o/drive, but they took so long he settled for the standard one. From my experience with it, the o/drive was needed on fast roads. I inherited it with 1200 miles on the clock. I tend to keep cars for a long time & it saw me through from impressing my wife to be to fitting child seats (not easy, some drilling required).


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Proof I don't wash my car very often!

View attachment 731362

Or drive excessively fast. ;)


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Foggy start to the day today but the sun may break through soon I hope.
Nothing planned as it depends on the weather. Cannot stay indoors but cannot be bothered weeding beside my path.
Bishop Weed is getting a bit out of control and hiding the Bluebells. Mebbe tomorrow.
I do a series of exercise every morning which were given to me by a physio to help with back problems. I have incorporated attempts to touch my toes with straight legs. Very frustrating as I am about an inch off managing it.

Trouble is, as you get older your feet get farther away. My equivalent exercise is picking up what the dog drops.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice run in the sunshine this morning and found a sheltered corner beside the loch to sit for a while. Traffic levels far too high but today they were no problem, just a nuisance having to keep dodging them.
Glad I did not meet one food lorry who was driving the large van like a sports car and banking for the corners at speed. Probably constrained by ferry times to get off island after doing deliveries.
The Mull 7's rugby must have been "interesting" as the hospital has no crutches left and pleas on FB for anybody who can spare any to hand them in.
Isle of Harris News is always worth a read and they have been having fun with visitors to St Kilda complaining that too many visitors are going there. [ before anyone points it out I am aware that Harris is not an island but is always referred to as such ]


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Well. I did ride my bicycle. Lovely sunny bimble, meeting up with daughter & grandkids in a park for a while after their schooling had finished.
Most enjoyable and hardly ruined by the moron in a motor who just had to overtake me, hopefully wrecking his suspension as he bounced over the speed hump, only to slam his brakes on in front of me so he could turn right as there was a car approaching.
It's been a lovely sunny day here chez Casa Reynard - albeit with a bit of a chilly breeze.

Slept well. Spent the first part of the day acting as the taxi service for the parental, who required conveying to the local hospital for an eye test - that she was then told she didn't actually need. I dropped her off and pootled into town instead of sitting twiddling my thumbs.

I now have the two "Beefsteak" tomato plants that I wanted, and I was tempted by - but didn't get - some Tigerella plants. I used to grow Tigerella tomatoes from seed back in the day; so they are absolutely delicious, and the yellow and red striped fruits are eye-catching. But eight plants is the maximum I can cope with, so note to self - go to Brands in Ely *first* and *then* go to Sharman's in Littleport. However, I did succumb to buying some more strawberry plants - this time "Red Gauntlet"

I also stopped by the butcher on the market place for a gander at his "half price shelf" - some good buys to be had, but right now, I simply don't have the freezer space.

Spent the afternoon puttering about gently in the garden, and then parking up in the sun with a good book for a bit.
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