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Über Member
As we were rummaging Alon's warehouse, he stumbled upon a box with a bike in it, in pieces. "Ah", he said, "this is a cool one. Wanna take a stab at it?" Stupid or naive, I'm game for anything, so I said yes. And here it is.




etc., a whole box of bits and bobs that should make up a bike eventually. At least this one will have a matching set of wheels, as well as a consistent groupset. It seems to be a Turner RFX, either the original (2002) or the reissue (2007). The frame seems in an impeccable condition, except some dust, and that beast of a weld (what the hell is up with that?) It should be straightforward, in case I have all of the bits and bobs of the rear suspension, and if not - impossible, so an easy solution either way.


Leg End Member
A repair or paint removed to check for damage?
Assuming you mean the one on the seat tube.
I like the quote in the description 'The RFX is no lightweight'

Looks to be an interesting project. If any repair welding has been done, my concern would be whether post-weld heat treatment was carried out, being it's an aly frame, and in a stressed area. Would be a shame to invest a whole load of time and effort, only to have it fail (again?), but your call on that one.


Über Member
I like the quote in the description 'The RFX is no lightweight'

Looks to be an interesting project. If any repair welding has been done, my concern would be whether post-weld heat treatment was carried out, being it's an aly frame, and in a stressed area. Would be a shame to invest a whole load of time and effort, only to have it fail (again?), but your call on that one.

It's destined for a museum, after all. I do want it to be rideable, but nobody is likely to ride it in anger anymore.


Über Member
I've done what I could for the GT DHi, currently waiting for Alon to come through with the missing parts. In the meanwhile I can make progress with the Turner. Everything seems to be accounted for, except a saddle and some grips and, well, a couple of spokes apparently, so I'll start working on it this weekend.


P.S. And now I realize I'm also missing a mech hanger, a crankset, a chain and a seatpost clamp. Still better off than the GT.
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Über Member
Yep, my enthusiasm was premature. On top of all the above, a bolt connecting the linkage to the frame is missing. So this project goes on the back burner too, until after another visit to Alon's treasure caves.
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Über Member
We searched for the missing parts today with Alon, found a crankset and a seatpost clamp as well as a saddle - and I also used the opportunity of this visit to use his BB tool, but we couldn't find a fitting hanger or the missing linkage bolt. I ended up ordering both online. Alon didn't want me to spend any money on these projects, but what he doesn't know can't hurt him, and these things are cheap. Only one issue currently remains - same as with the GT, figuring out the brake adapters.


Über Member
Some progress was made today, the crankset is on, the brake calipers are on, the brake discs are on (but are missing locknuts), the crown is on the fork (don't ask me how I put it on without a tool, and I won't have to lie about it), I can next saw off the steerer and complete the headset, stem and handlebar assembly, at which point I'll be able to complete the cockpit - and then it's just waiting for the mech hanger to arrive, putting on the chain and viola.


Über Member
I tried 3D-printing the derailleur hanger, no luck so far. I mean, I have something that I might be able to file down to size, so it's not a completely lost cause. Aside from that, I think I miss one shifter, but I can start putting it all together, once the derailleur is hanging.
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