11.2mile time trial

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Senior Member
Hi, I am currently trying to improve my cycling speed and have found a fairly nice, flat stretch of road with only two traffic light sets to potentially effect my time. What would be a good time to try and acheive over this distance? Cheers:smile:


Velo, boulot, dodo
Try to find a course without lights (unless they are crossings and you are unlikely to be stopped outside of peak hours).

Otherwise I'd just ride it as fast as you can, then try and improve upon that. Do it a couple times a week and you'll get quicker. After a while you'll need to shake your training up a bit to get further improvements.

Ben M

Senior Member
Well it's impossible for anyone other than you to say, as only you know what you're capable of. Being as you're in the beginners section I'll assume that you are relatively new, and being as you're talking about doing a time trial, I'll assume that you're relatively fit. So start by trying to do it at 20mph average (about 33 and a half minutes)


Über Member
South Norfolk
Take off 1.2 miles, work out where 10 miles finishes and take it easy once you pass a marker.

If it's a good road surface you go quicker - if you are reasonably fit you should be able to easily do 26 on a flat course.
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