14 Mile Ride

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Über Member
After 4 weeks of having the bike (including the brakes failing and the pads and wheels having to be replaced).

I have just completed my first 1 hour long ride of 14 miles. (usual i ride 7 miles 5 days a week in 30 mins)

The ride was really good, but struggled a little on the hills as they are steeper than i remember in my car , but unfortunatley i live in Camberley and there are hills everywhere.


If anyone knows of a simular length ride avoiding the A322 around this area that has slightly less hills let me know. I start at Camberley town centre as thats where i live


Senior Member
I know those roads as the inlaws live in Crowthorne. I'm not sure we're counting these rises as 'hills'. Dig in, chap, you'll get used to them in no time. You may want to consider reading some threads on using your gears efficiently.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Keep at it and the hills will get easier,after a while you will enjoy a bit of climbing.

Be gentle on your knees better to spin the pedals faster in low gears than use brute strtength to get up the hill.


Well-Known Member
going to old windsor is nice, you do have to cross the a322 but its a a roundabout so its ok, im not far from you, live in woodley, how long you been cycling?


Legendary Member
Within a few weeks those hills will become less and less steep and you'll hardly notice them.


New Member
What they said. I live in the area too - I'm over 40 and I've only been cycling since February, but I now find myself cycling down to the Surrey Hills near Guildford most weekends in search of a decent climb.

Having said all that, at 4 weeks in you will still be feeling the effort in low gradients. Give it a few more months, and actively seek out the odd hill in your rides - you'll be surprised at how it gets easier week by week.

All the best,
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