Ahoy there

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Hey guys,
Just joined up a few mins ago, I'm Josh 20, and living in Frankfurt, Germany. I'm originally from Sheffield in England and I've been cycling as long as I can remember! Recently I have developed an obsession however and I need somewhere I can talk about it where I'm not going to bore the s**t out of people! :biggrin:
I have 2 bikes now, my road bike which is a 1980's Winora which I use to commute, and my fixed gear late 70's/early 80's Peugeot which I just finished building!
Look forward to chatting and talking bike crap!


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
:welcome: Josh, enjoy the ride. Plenty of rubbish spoken on this site but also loads of tips.


Legendary Member
Ahoy there ??
Hi & :welcome: but do you ride one of these
cycle boat.jpg
Ahoy right back at you Josh!

Biker Joe

Über Member
Hi Josh and :welcome:
I lived and worked in Germany for around 15 years in Osnabruck.
I go back there on a regular basis to visit family I have there.
I have just got back from a visit there. Osnabruck is a cyclists dream. Loads of wide cycle ways. Often their own traffic lights.
Wobetide anyone who interferes with their right of way, vehicles and pedestrians alike.
I have never seen so many bikes in one place. Impressive.
Nice of you to join us.
Look forward to hearing more from you.:hello:


I'm still in possession of a deathwish, I tend to avoid cycle paths here in Frankfurt as they are a mess, and I cycle too fast and don't want to kill pedestrians :biggrin:. I Regularly attend Critical Mass here in protest to get us cyclists more respect on the road and I love to cycle through the rush hour traffic here its a great rush, hehehe. ;) I used to live in The Netherlands too, cycling there was kinda annoying for someone who wants to ride fast, since everyone is so chilled and going slowly. It was nice though!


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Hello Josh and welcome. My cousin is in Sheffield so I may take a trip up there when I come over and do some touring around.can you recommend some good routes around for a few days? I am also rather keen on old steel (and carbon) bikes from the eighties and nineties too.

Ahoy there ??
Hi & :welcome: but do you ride one of these
I wish I did! That is stunning.


When I lived in Sheffield I was more in to my MTB riding so I cant really tell you any of the good road routes! Sorry :biggrin:. Enjoy though, lots of lovely hills to tackle! I'm gonna have to sell my Winora, it's too big and causing me some pain in my neck.
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