Any excersises before you begin cycling ?

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Hi all, new to forums, I am currently pottering about on a early 90s raleigh pioneer hybrid that is too small so I am looking into buying a better bike this year. I was wondering if there is any excersises / stretches I can do to prep me for the new bike where I hope to start building the miles. Currently I can only do a few local trips due to the bike being ready for the scrap yard, so of course i cannot get the road time I would like. Anything that I can do at home withought silly gym fees and withough weights would be great ;)

many thanx in advance :smile:
nothing needed really - it won't be any benefit anyway. Just keep riding the old bike until you get the new one - the best prep for cycling is.......cycling...


:thumbsup: Thanx for the replies, i'll keep dragging the wreck round the local area at least everytime I look at it I will have the motivation to save up quicker for the new one (not quite the same as more motivation to ride further buy 1 step at a time lol)


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I tend to just get on and go,but I do take the first few K easy. The same on the way back.

I just spin in a nice easy gear for first couple on miles than off I go

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