Anybody in Harwich?

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pre-talced and mighty
can't get through on the phone - and not just to one number. Lightning strike? Tidal wave? Swine flu?

Oh - if you know of a nice, unsnobbish hotel that will store two bikes for the night, then let me know.


New Member
Thunderstorms in East Anglia


wafflycat said:
Thunderstorms in East Anglia

Completely off topic:

As I was travelling up the M6 a couple of weeks back, I learned that Sandbatch services had been closed due to a direct lightning strike. It's made me re-consider my atheism...

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Wouldn't have thought Harwich is a brill place for overnighting/bike storage, although there is someone I could possibly ask (in fact he'll be on tomorrow's ride - he lives in Harwich).

Have you thought of going somewhere more pösh like Frinton?

BTW, hope Harwich isn't completely cut off from the world as James is out on a little boat rather near there...
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