Anyone live in the Meridian area?

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extimus uero philosophus
I have to admit that I rarely watch the hants news on ITV but watched for the bit on a cycle path that people are campaigning for widening after a young teacher died.

However I watched on and there was a big piece on fuel duty. Isn't there always these days. Lots of people talking about how much it costs them. One guy got airtime for his comment of how he'd given up the car for cycling.


Followed to their facebook and left a couple of comments on there, essentially "join us!" :laugh: And "save money! Cycle." :becool: The usual idiots began to rant off "I can't cycle to work, its 40 miles away... moan moan moan!"

Its not you I was talking about. Put that in there, too and people seemed more receptive about the idea. Though what really made me laugh was the post to meridian's wall about a fuel protest in March. Reading the details I wonder what good exactly its going to do, to have a protest at 7-10pm at night!!!

Might be a good time for a ride if all the drivers are wedged up there LOL!
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