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Is off the 'bent and indeed any bikes for a bit... I was innocently driving along the A354 on Monday evening and someone decided that my side of the road was the place to be; we were both travelling at 60mph. She said she blacked out... I reckon a technology related accident because someone who talked to her said that she was on her way to pick up her children.

I walked away, she didn't so much.

Still - probably back on the bike next week - got Physio tomorrow and will ask them what they think (gotta love fully comp car insurance for not at fault incidents)

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Sorry about your accident. Glad your all right.


Spoke with the OIC yesterday. Seems the other driver is quite broken and is still in hospital. It is unlikely that she will have a driving license for a while because to get it back after claiming a 'blackout' DVLA require proof that it wasn't a blackout or two years clear of episodes...
I have a physio assessment today and, the way I am feeling at the moment, I will be back on the 'bent on Monday - hooray!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Sounds nasty. I'm glad you came out of it without serious injury.

I presume investigation is ongoing? I'd be curious to know whether the other driver did blackout or if it's an excuse. It's backfired spectacularly if it is the latter.
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