Back after nearly 30 years

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New Member
Hi all,

Last time i rode a bike proper was when i was about 17! I have had the odd spell on a mtb on hols but thats it. As i get older, and broader!! I have been deliberating long and hard over how best to getting some decent regular exercise done. Never much one for sport or gyms they bore me senseless! I recall my youth and how much enjoyment I got out of my old bikes, hence I'm here.
I visited my LBS at Rutland Water who were incredibly helpful, after only five minutes I found myself riding round the car park on a £1500 bike! I have went on to order a Giant Roam XR2, I wanted something that i could use for the occasional commute and also on some of the local cycle tracks locally. I expect delivery today (weather permitting) No doubt I will have loads of questions for you that I hope you will be able to help me with.





Started young, and still going.
Welcome Franksie.:hello: This is a friendly place come in and have a look around, the cafe is worth dropping into.


Legendary Member
I have been deliberating long and hard over how best to getting some decent regular exercise done. Never much one for sport or gyms they bore me senseless!

:hello: Well done Franksie, deliberating long and hard is a most effective way of delaying any action, but I'm sure you have made a good move in the end. I share your feelings for sport and gyms, but cycling is exercise without realising it. Welcome to the forum, and don't hesitate to ask any questions.:smile:


crappy member
South West
Hi, sounds like you made a good choice of bike considering what you want to use it for - let's hope it arrives soon and brings with it some better weather!


New Member
It arrived! took a few minutes to put together, the components seem so advanced my last bike had the gear change on the frame! Only thing now is the bloody weather! Arr well i'll just have to sit and look at it a bit longer!

Thx for the welcome, thing i'll stick around.

Welcome back Franksie you describing how you can only look at the bike at the moment reminded me of when I was a child looking at my first big bike stored in my mum and dads bedroom weeks before I was allowed it on Christmas day.
Hope you don't have to wait as long as I did.
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