Basic Boardman or higher end Carrera?

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Here for rides.
Agree with KneesUp, Boardman spec is lighter but only slightly. I'd concentrate on the equipment that each bike comes with (gears and wheels mainly), then ask if you can justify £170 extra if you feel the Boardman is better equipped.

You could also watch Halford's prices while your making up your mind, because they often play around with them. You may find they knock off £100 one weekend.

I think both bikes will be pretty good for that sort of money.

Good luck
I'd argue the opposite. Best (subjective judgement) frame you can afford and don't fret about the finishing kit compromises to get it. Everytime. Those wheels and gears are going to wear out and need to be replaced decades before the frame needs changing.

And for my money between the two? The Boardman. But I'd go to Decathlon too.

simon briggs

boardman for me
10 years ago I'd have agreed with you, intact, 5 years ago I would however having spoken to staff in a few halfords of late, they know what they're doing. Halfords appear to by trying to shake off the reputation. Besides, it's irrelevant about the fact I'm buying from Halfords

I'll probably collect the bike still in it's box, I'm only buying a new bike as I've decided tracking down parts for a 50 year old Carlton is too expensive, time consuming and not suitable for my use. (Shame, my 7 year old hand built 27 inch wheels are still straight and true)

To be honest I havent purchased a bike from Halfords in about 10 years. If they have improved then thats fair enough. Its just that I have had extremely bad experience with Halfords, even with minor purchases in the past. Hope it goes well for you.


Legendary Member
If you can stretch the budget to that of the boardman and are happy to consider mail order, merlin, wiggle, chain reaction etc will usually have an entry level roadbike for under £500

If buying from halfords, join British cycling and get 10% off! ride is £32 and you get other important cover too (legal, third party liability)
Black Sheep
Sorry I've not been back on here, got knocked off my motorbike just round the corner to work, walked away from it with just a stiff neck / back for a day or two after (yep, I know, keep details and have been to the docs)

just means I won't be doing anything as I might have to put money towards the insurance payout to fund a new way of getting to work (cycling is too far at the mo)
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