basso astra frames

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dodgy knees

Active Member
hi all

was just wondering if anyone out there has any info or comments on the basso astra frame s as am intending to buy one , and was wondering if they were ant good .
also have been offered one for 1100 quid reduced from 1700 do you think that is a good deal frame is black 2009 model.

your help is appreciated


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Basso have been around a long time. If new that's a good price.


Senior Member
£1100 sounds like how much the retailer paid the distributor, so you're getting a clearance item at cost. You're buying into a bit of heritage, too with Basso gaining popularity with their now fairly sought after steel Gap frameset, but you won't see many carbon Bassos around in the UK (apart from Basso's UK race team who use the Astra, and my Laguna!)

I've been reliably informed by somebody (who's had lunch with Signor Basso) that the company has a spin-off side doing carbon fibre development for race cars, implying that their composites technology must be pretty well regarded in Italy.
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