Bath, beer and Anusol!

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Well-Known Member
The Toon
Yes I finished my first 100miler today, the Northen Rock Cyclone & what a day. Very hard work, lots of hills (7789 ft climbed) but a great atmosphere in fantastic countryside. Hats off to Peter Harrison who organised it & hope to see all the riders I met next year. My time was 7hrs, not too impressive to all the clubbers who whistled past all day, but I'm pleased - target is to knock half an hour off and not feel like dying on those climbs.


Well done kidda ;)


That's a respectable time for 1st time out with that amount of climbing. Enjoy the beer - you've earned it!


Smutmaster General
I did 7h 30 official time, 6hrs 56 actual riding time. Will write an account at some point when I feel human again.

I met some unfortunate fellas who seemed to have taken a wrong turning...
I was at about mile 52, and the guys were at the roadside looking perplexed. They asked me how many miles I'd done, and how many timing controls I'd been through (two, up to this point). Turns out somehow or other they'd been through the 3rd timing control (which was at about mile 72), had done 88 miles when I met them, and were on the same bit of road for the 2nd time (it was a circular route). :wacko::smile: If you happen to read this fellas, sorry to laugh, but in retrospect I'm sure you will too. I felt a bit sorry for you though, but I'm still not sure how/where you took the wrong turn. :biggrin:


Only managed the 62mile version
i aimed for under 4 hours my total riding time including stopping at feed stations
3hours 59mins and 54 seconds
really enjoyed the ride out , will do the 100 next year .

well done to all .
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