Battery boost for iPhone

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Smutmaster General
I just got a small solar charger from Clas Ohlsen (the one I got isn't on their website, or at least I can't find it). It was 7 or 8 quid. The first one I got didn't work at all, but I took it back and was told they sell well, with mine being only the 2nd return. It won't do a spectacular job (specs are 1100 mAh and 5V output, whatever those mean!!) but I tried it this evening, and in 1 and a bit hours, it took my HTC Desire S from 35% to 90% before running out of juice itself. I bought it for 'emergency' charges, so that'll do me nicely.
The instruction leaflet was honest enough, and said it needs 22 hours (I think) in full sunlight to get a full charge (i.e. it ain't gonna happen) but you can fully charge it on a USB in an hour or so, and keep it topped up in the sun, I guess. I forgot to say that I charged mine USB stylee last night, then left it on the sunny-ish windowsill of my office today. It was still charged up enough this evening to do the phone as described above. It's about the size of a 5th generation iPod Nano (see wikipedia), and I reckon you could strap it to your handlebars if you so desired.
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