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New Member
New Forest
I have been racing for almost 40 years and still love everything to do with cycling even Turbo Training (Hmmm!).
I am just about to retire at the age of 57 and, body allowing, I am going to try to ride for the next couple of years as a full time bike rider and see where it gets me.
A few years ago I was unfortunate enough to get wiped out by a car flying in to a blind junction on the wrong side of the road which left me with a broken hip together with a badly injured knee which still causes me problems.
I now avoid road races in the UK with their added risks and stick to circuit races which have less possible interaction from the general public, together with a few club TTs.
I am also a member of a Club in Brittany and am riding a couple of races over there in August. I get away with riding road races in France as they are on closed roads with no oncoming traffic and so are slightly less dangerous than ones in the UK.
I look forward to contributing on the Forum.


Senior Member
Hello and welcome to the forum.
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