How do you roast your parsnips?

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Legendary Member
You're doing them at the same time as roast potatoes, so...cut them into lumps as near as you can the same size as your potato lumps....boil them along with your potatoes, but for less time - just hoik them out of the water after 2 or 3 minutes, then leave them on a plate to steam (and dry out a bit)...put them on the tray with your potatoes about 20 mins after they went in, so they get about 35 minutes...baste them with fat once when they go in, then turn them after about 20 minutes and baste them again.
None of this parboiling nonsense please! xx( 'snips cook much faster than spuds and don't need it. Just peel, slice lengthways into quarters and roast in a butter/oil mixture. Roast them fast or slow, depending on how crispy you like them. They do catch quite quickly, so do check them every five minutes or so.

You can also chop them into cubes and pan-roast them. I use a normal frying pan with a lump of butter plus a splash of oil. Pop in the cubed 'snips and fry very gently. I also use a saucepan lid to cover them up for a few minutes. Once they've turned colour, serve. Much faster than roasting.


Legendary Member
Chuffy said:
None of this parboiling nonsense please! :blush: 'snips cook much faster than spuds and don't need it. Just peel, slice lengthways into quarters and roast in a butter/oil mixture. Roast them fast or slow, depending on how crispy you like them. They do catch quite quickly, so do check them every five minutes or so.

You can also chop them into cubes and pan-roast them. I use a normal frying pan with a lump of butter plus a splash of oil. Pop in the cubed 'snips and fry very gently. I also use a saucepan lid to cover them up for a few minutes. Once they've turned colour, serve. Much faster than roasting.
Absolutely right - I've never parboiled a parsnip in my life!

Generally they couldn't be easier to cook, and Chuffy's "recipe" is all that's required. You don't need very much oil to roast them, nor is there any need at all to season them as they have a sweet natural flavour. However put a little shoyu (natural soy sauce) on them once they have come out of the oven.

As a (less healthy) alternative to roasting you can make parsnip chips by just cutting them into long strips and putting into boiling in a chip pan for a few minutes.

Fresh parsnips are pretty much out of season now so your mum may well need to buy them frozen.


Nr Cambridge
Roast jamie oliver style yum yum or cut into chippy like pieces fry for few minutes in extra virgin olive oil until almost cooked, then add a couple of teaspoons of clear orange and coriander honey. Add any other herbs you fancy to season. But normally a fragrant clear honey is enough. delish. There are loads of fresh parsnips in the supermarkets at the moment. Well there were in mine until I bought a load.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
After topping and tail them, cut the parsnips length ways into quarters and then place them in a very shallow dish. Add ONE teaspoon of water and cover the top of the dish with clingfilm. Put in the microwave for about 6 mins and then removed and serve the parsnips with a smear of butter over the top. The taste is Magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cycling in the sun
Slice lengthways, pop into pre-heated tray, smoother in maple syrup (well a spoonful) and then leave them to roast but checking on them as otherwise they can burn. That is the favourite way in this household (well apart from me who can't stand the thingsxx().


New Member
Fife borders
Parsnip mash is also good. Boil them until soft enough to puree, then add some butter and loads of honey. A delicious alternative to roasted


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We always parboiled and then roasted, but I tend to just cut them into chunks and bung them into the Remoska with other veg to roast - although that tends not to get them so crunchy. If your Mum has a sweet tooth, add honey to bring out the sweetness even more. I think I've also heard of putting grated parmesan on them....
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