I'm new around here - advice please on road bike!

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New Member
I'm currently riding a Boardman Hybrid with the local club, the group's not fast and enjoy the bike but I'm having trouble keeping up at times, I'm in my 60's. I would like a road bike but it's a minefield out there! I want something with gears I can get up hills, right size and comfortable. Any advice ? I'm about 6 ft and 31.5 inches inside leg.


Legendary Member
How much are you wanting to spend

If you like the Boardman, you could do worse than look at their road bikes :smile:

To get the sizing right, go sit on some bikes, have some test rides

If riding hilly terrain, perhaps look at a triple or a compact double with a nice wide 11-32 cassette on the back

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
What @vickster said...that two for two vickster

At 6' with long legs you'll likely want to look at 58 frame. Then, perhaps...given your transition from a hybrid...consider an upright, kinda sportive type road bike frame. Race frames are generally low at the front, compact, aggressive and shaped to tuck the rider down, provide stiffness to the frame and encourage the use of slightly different muscles....apparently.
What all that means is that racey frames may give you a sore neck (as you look up from the low front end) or a creaky back.Take a look a a few styles of frame before choosing a manufacturer.

PS, I'm pretty sure a triple will be more readily available on a more upright frame... although I never struggle on a compact double. Actually, that's a fib, I always struggle on the hills...but not because I run out of gears...just that I run out of talent.
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