London to Paris - help!!

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Hi all, just thought I'd introduce myself and explain what I'm doing on here - I may be the ultimate newbie!

I'm Gadget aka Nick and I'm getting used to quite a life change. My daughter Lily was born 10 weeks early weighing 1.1kg (or 2lb 7oz in English!), and needed an emergency operation so has been in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in St Mary's hospital in Manchester. This isn't mumsnet, so I'll spare you the details, but the care she has received has been extraordinary and 7 weeks on she's going to be coming home soon.

I was idly talking to a mate of mine a couple of weeks ago about all this and how I'd like to do a charity event to raise money for this incredible facility. I was thinking of getting the wife to bake some cakes, but it turns out he had bigger plans and before I knew it I'd agreed to cycle from London to Paris! We haven't agreed a date yet, but it'll probably be September time, so know I just have a few issues - I'm not particularly fit, I've never really ridden on the road before, and oh yeah - the only bike I have was one I did my paper round on nearly 20 years ago, and I haven't ridden since!

So I'll probably be on here a bit as I try and decide what sort of bike to buy, what kit I need, what sort of training I need to do and all the other things that you guys know that I haven't even thought of yet.

I'd also appreciate advice on whether I should keep everything in one post, or post different bits (eg buying a bike, training runs) in different parts of the forum. I'll chuck up a blog at some point too - what's the etiquette with that? Ok to post links or *posh bloke voice* terribly bad form?!

All advice/help appreciated!



Über Member
South London
You can post in different parts of the forum if you've got different questions. From what I've seen people don't seem to be too bothered about linking to external sites in posts. Depending on what the rules say you could post a link to your blog in your post signature.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
:welcome: Nick!
Maybe best plan is to borrow/beg/steal :smile: a bike now, start short rides, get used to the exercise.
Meantime read all about bikes on here, ask questions, try a few bikes in shops before deciding on a purchase for the event.
Good luck!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi Nick and :welcome:. The best bet when you need to ask questions is to put them in the part of the forum appropriate to the question. You'll get a better response that way.

You'll need to ask admin to be sure, but I believe a link to your blog in your signature line will be accepted.

What kind of budget do you expect to have for your new bike and have you already seen anything that takes your fancy?


Careful with that axle Eugene
"Idly talking to my mate....."
I bet that was across a beer glass! That's quite a target you've set yourself, but very worthwhile.

Anyway, welcome aboard, and all the best in your endeavour. You'll want to start training soon. The BHF site has suggested training regimens for cyclists, might be worth a look.
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