Members with cars who commute to work on cycle in winter - how do you do it?

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Having a flat battery (down to not using the car for so long) removes the temptation to drive in.......


Senior Member
St George
The thing I still hate, it trying to get a shirt in my bag without it looking a mess when I get off the bike!
The trick with the shirt is to Roll it before putting it in your bag on top of everything rather than fold it, and to take two shirts on your first day, put one in the shower room whilst you shower, the steam will help drop the creases out, The second shirt the crease will drop out over night.


Senior Member
I managed to commute all through winter. Invested in a pair of marathon winters which dealt nicely with the ice issue. They were well worth the investment particularly when cycling over ice along the canal path!!


I gess i should change my tiers from slicks but its more fun, its good for the reactions and balance. The only blessing is at five am there is not much traffic on the road. I have gone six winters this way. Thankyou for your advice and i will look in to it as i don't know haw many lives iv got left.


Well-Known Member
Gtr. Manchester
This thread makes for an interesting read. :smile: Here's my thoughts...
  • Fitness/weight loss.
  • Sense of achievement.
  • Fun.
  • Punctures.
  • Less time in bed (read definitely not a morning person).
  • Increased risk of injury in event of crash.
  • Time spent at work changing into/out of cycling gear.
  • Risk of bicycle theft.
  • Cost of cycle clothing / accessories.
  • Waterproof trousers squeaking on saddle.

  • Fun.
  • Quickest commute.
  • 50+mpg.
  • Time spent at work changing into/out of bike gear.
  • Increased risk of injury in event of crash.
  • Has broken down more often than the car.
  • Cost of tax, insurance & petrol.
  • Risk of bike theft.
  • Cost of bike clothing / accessories.

  • Dry.
  • Quick commute (extra time in bed).
  • Arrive at work in work clothes so no changing required.
  • Smallest risk of injury in event of crash.
  • Radio.
  • Easiest to carrying shopping.
  • Boring as hell.
  • Traffic.
  • 35-40mpg.
  • Highest cost for insurance, tax & petrol.
  • Time wasted finding a parking space.

So far I'm managing the 130 mile Monday morning & Friday evening commutes in the car/motorbike and cycling all trips in-between those two long commutes. I'm toying with the idea of selling the car and just having the motorbike & bicycle.

I just need to get in to the habit of getting up even earlier so I can shower once I get to work!
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Will be doing more and more cycling, especially after learning that cycling from GFs is ~1hr, driving is 1hr40mins. Well that is a surprise...let's just say I'll be leaving a range of shirts at work on a Monday and then taking them home on a Friday.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I commute by bike all year round .My ride is only 2.5 miles each way but up a serious hill on the way home means I only sweat on way home.
I am allways amazed at how few times I get rained on ,only thing that makes me drive in is the possibnility of ice.

I feel better when I ride in ,probably all in the mind .


West Midlands
Agree the weather is warm currently. Had to bring back the shorts today.
Winter is a good month for commuting. You know it'll be as cold in the morning as at night and thus you have all your stuff ready, Winter gloves, Winter Hat, Overshoes (rarely needed) warm socks, etc.

It's the current weather that's horrible showers with sunshine and overly warm but not warm enough to do away with your coat !


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Lovely and warm still, but to be honest I still end up sweaty & toasty in the depths of winter after a few miles of cycling. It can be nippy to start with, but 10 mins later it's definitely not!

The only thing that's driven me onto the bus a little more during the winter months over the last few years is the ice. First few years were fall-free, but after a few icy offs, and more than a few heart-stopping slides, I'm a little more reticent about risking it. If my route is well-grittted, it's fine - but some of the unavoidable off-road cyclepaths used to be sheet ice for weeks! Last year I was off the bike for a few months, but made up for it by buying and using a turbo to keep me in shape and keep my backside saddle-ready.


Nr Cambridge
I will be driving half way and cycling the rest when the cold comes and I am back at work in about a month. Roads are dangerous enough without adding snow and ice into the equation. So vulnerable as a cyclist.
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